Partonomy list P2F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress


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Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
50801 5257 tax
61992 5262 tax
62000 5264 tax
telencephalon ; brain P3 1772 children
telencephalon ; cerebrum
external morphology of telencephalon
morphologia externa telencephali
83727 5976 tax
longitudinal cerebral fissure
fissura longitudinalis cerebri
61817 5971 tax
cerebral hemisphere (pair)
hemispherium cerebri (par)
83874 5973 tax
cerebral gyri (pair)
gyri cerebri (par)
327491 5975 tax
cerebral grooves (pair)
sulci cerebri (par)
84361 5978 tax
lateral cerebral fossa (pair)
fossa lateralis cerebri (par)
cerebral vallecula (pair)
vallecula cerebri (par)
75140 5979 tax
superior border (pair)
margo superior (par)
75141 5980 tax
inferomedial border (pair)
margo inferomedialis (par)
75142 5981 tax
inferolateral border (pair)
margo inferolateralis (par)
5982 tax
superolateral surface (pair)
facies superolateralis (par)
6037 tax
inferomedial surface (pair)
facies inferomedialis (par)
12438 tax
interlobar gyri (pair) P4 29 children
gyri interlobares (par)
12439 tax
insular operculum (pair)
operculum insulare (par)
74886 5993 tax
frontal operculum (pair)
operculum frontale (par)
74889 6007 tax
parietal operculum (pair)
operculum parietale (par)
74891 6020 tax
temporal operculum (pair)
operculum temporale (par)
274737 8666 tax
subcentral gyrus (pair)
gyrus subcentralis (par)
77534 6045 tax
paracentral lobule (pair)
lobulus paracentralis (par)
77537 6046 tax
anterior paracentral gyrus (pair)
gyrus paracentralis anterior (par)
primary motor cortex (pair)
cortex motorius primarius (par)
77538 6058 tax
posterior paracentral gyrus (pair)
gyrus paracentralis posterior (par)
sulci interlobares (par)
5983 tax
superolateral interlobar grooves (pair)
sulci interlobares superolaterales (par)
83752 5984
central groove (pair)
sulcus centralis (par)
77801 5985
lateral groove (pair)
sulcus lateralis (par)
83761 5986
posterior branch (pair)
ramus posterior (par)
83759 5987
ascending branch (pair)
ramus ascendens (par)
83760 5988
anterior branch (pair)
ramus anterior (par)
83754 5989
parietooccipital groove (pair)
sulcus parietooccipitalis (par)
83739 5990 tax
preoccipital notch (pair)
incisura preoccipitalis (par)
9115 tax
inferomedial interlobar grooves (pair)
sulci interlobares inferomediales (par)
83743 6038
groove of corpus callosum (pair)
sulcus corporis callosi (par)
83748 6039
cingulate groove (pair) ; sulcus of girdle (pair)
sulcus cingularis (par) ; sulcus cinguli (par)
83773 6040
marginal branch (pair) ; marginal groove (pair)
ramus marginalis (par) ; sulcus marginalis (par)
83777 6041
subparietal groove (pair)
sulcus subparietalis (par)
83751 6042
collateral groove (pair) ; medial occipitotemporal groove (pair)
sulcus collateralis (par) ; sulcus occipitotemporalis medialis (par)
83752 5984
central groove
sulcus centralis
61823 5974 tax
cerebral lobes (pair)
lobi cerebri (par)
61824 5991
frontal lobe (pair) P4 225 children
lobus frontalis (par)
superolateral surface (pair)
facies superolateralis (par)
8659 tax
frontomarginal groove (pair)
sulcus frontomarginalis (par)
74885 5992
frontal pole (pair)
polus frontalis (par)
274406 11028 tax
frontopolar area (pair)
area frontopolaris (par)
274408 11029 tax
superior frontopolar gyrus (pair)
gyrus frontopolaris superior (par)
274420 11032 tax
middle frontopolar gyrus (pair)
gyrus frontopolaris medius (par)
274414 11034 tax
inferior frontopolar gyrus (pair)
gyrus frontopolaris inferior (par)
274504 11035 tax
frontomarginal gyrus (pair)
gyrus frontomarginalis (par)
74886 5993 tax
frontal operculum
operculum frontale
61860 5994 tax
inferior frontal gyrus (pair)
gyrus frontalis inferior (par)
61982 5995 tax
orbital part (pair)
pars orbitalis (par)
61980 5996 tax
triangular part (pair)
pars triangularis (par)
radiate groove (pair)
sulcus radiatus (par)
61981 5997 tax
opercular part (pair)
pars opercularis (par)
83758 8780 tax
diagonal groove (pair)
sulcus diagonalis (par)
83757 5998 tax
inferior frontal groove (pair)
sulcus frontalis inferior (par)
273103 5999 tax
middle frontal gyrus (pair)
gyrus frontalis medius (par)
superolateral prefrontal cortex (pair)
cortex prefrontalis superolateralis (par)
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (pair)
cortex prefrontalis dorsolateralis (par)
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (pair)
cortex prefrontalis ventrolateralis (par)
superolateral premotor cortex (pair)
cortex premotorius superolateralis (par)
dorsal premotor cortex (pair)
cortex premotorius dorsalis (par)
ventral premotor cortex (pair)
cortex premotorius ventralis (par)
61894 6000 tax
precentral gyrus (pair)
gyrus precentralis (par)
primary motor cortex of precentral gyrus (pair)
cortex motorius primarius gyri precentralis (par)
83800 6001 tax
precentral groove (pair)
sulcus precentralis (par)
83765 8667 tax
anterior subcentral groove (pair)
sulcus subcentralis anterior (par)
83778 8668 tax
posterior subcentral groove (pair)
sulcus subcentralis posterior (par)
61857 6002 tax
superior frontal gyrus (pair)
gyrus frontalis superior (par)
83755 6003 tax
superior frontal groove (pair)
sulcus frontalis superior (par)
inferomedial surface (pair)
facies inferomedialis (par)
61857 6002 tax
superior frontal gyrus
gyrus frontalis superior
paracingulate groove (pair)
sulcus paracingularis (par)
12159 tax
paracingulate gyrus (pair)
gyrus paracingularis (par)
83782 6044 tax
paracentral groove (pair)
sulcus paracentralis (par)
77534 6045 tax
paracentral lobule
lobulus paracentralis
77537 6046 tax
anterior paracentral gyrus
gyrus paracentralis anterior
primary motor cortex
cortex motorius primarius
inferomedial prefrontal cortex (pair)
cortex prefrontalis inferomedialis (par)
medial prefrontal cortex (pair)
cortex prefrontalis medialis (par)
inferomedial premotor cortex (pair)
cortex premotorius inferomedialis (par)
medial premotor cortex (pair)
cortex premotorius medialis (par)
61890 6047 tax
subcallosal area (pair) ; subcallosal gyrus (pair)
area subcallosa (par) ; gyrus subcallosus (par)
61919 6048 tax
paraterminal gyrus (pair)
gyrus paraterminalis (par)
61890 6049 tax
paraolfactory area (pair)
area paraolfactoria (par)
72019 6050 tax
paraolfactory gyrus (pair)
gyrus paraolfactorius (par)
6051 tax
paraolfactory grooves (pair)
sulci paraolfactorii (par)
83744 8673 tax
anterior paraolfactory groove (pair)
sulcus paraolfactorius anterior (par)
83745 8674 tax
posterior paraolfactory groove (pair)
sulcus paraolfactorius posterior (par)
256194 6052 tax
orbital gyri (pair)
gyri orbitales (par)
62419 8675
medial orbital gyrus (pair)
gyrus orbitalis medialis (par)
256196 8676
anterior orbital gyrus (pair)
gyrus orbitalis anterior (par)
80184 8677
posterior orbital gyrus (pair)
gyrus orbitalis posterior (par)
62418 8678
lateral orbital gyrus (pair)
gyrus orbitalis lateralis (par)
posteromedial orbital lobule (pair)
lobulus orbitalis posteromedialis (par)
posterolateral orbital region (pair)
regio orbitalis posterolateralis (par)
83770 6053 tax
orbital grooves (pair)
sulci orbitales (par)
8679 tax
lateral orbital groove (pair)
sulcus orbitalis lateralis (par)
83771 8680 tax
transverse orbital groove (pair)
sulcus orbitalis transversus (par)
8681 tax
medial orbital groove (pair)
sulcus orbitalis medialis (par)
superior rostral groove (pair)
sulcus rostralis superior (par)
inferior rostral groove (pair)
sulcus rostralis inferior (par)
61893 6054 tax
rectus gyrus (pair)
gyrus rectus (par)
83769 6055 tax
olfactory groove (pair)
sulcus olfactorius (par)
anterior perforated substance (pair) ; rostral perforated substance (pair)
substantia perforata anterior (par) ; substantia perforata rostralis (par)
olfactory structures (pair)
structurae olfactoriae (par)
77624 6195 tax
olfactory bulb (pair)
bulbus olfactorius (par)
77625 6196
olfactory peduncle (pair)
pedunculus olfactorius (par)
77626 6197 tax
olfactory tract
tractus olfactorius
74883 6198
olfactory trigone (pair)
trigonum olfactorium (par)
61891 6199
olfactory tubercle
tuberculum olfactorium
olfactory striae (pair)
striae olfactoriae (par)
77627 6201
medial olfactory stria (pair)
stria olfactoria medialis (par)
61971 6202
lateral olfactory stria (pair)
stria olfactoria lateralis (par)
lateral olfactory tract (pair)
tractus olfactorius lateralis (par)
retrobulbar region (pair)
regio retrobulbaris (par)
piriform cortex (pair) ; primary olfactory cortex (pair)
cortex piriformis (par) ; cortex olfactorius primarius (par)
frontal part (pair)
pars frontalis (par)
temporal part (pair)
pars temporalis (par)
61826 6004
parietal lobe (pair) P4 50 children
lobus parietalis (par)
superolateral surface (pair)
facies superolateralis (par)
61896 6009 tax
postcentral gyrus (pair)
gyrus postcentralis (par)
primary somatosensory cortex of postcentral gyrus (pair)
cortex somatosensorius primarius gyri postcentralis (par)
83774 6010 tax
postcentral groove (pair)
sulcus postcentralis (par)
61899 6011 tax
superior parietal lobule (pair)
lobulus parietalis superior (par)
83772 6008 tax
intraparietal groove (pair)
sulcus intraparietalis (par)
8781 tax
first intermediate groove (pair) ; anterior intermediate groove (pair)
sulcus intermedius primus (par) ; sulcus intermedius anterior (par)
8782 tax
second intermediate groove (pair) ; posterior intermediate groove (pair)
sulcus intermedius secundus (par) ; sulcus intermedius posterior (par)
9122 tax
transverse parietal groove
sulcus parietalis transversus
77536 6006 tax
inferior parietal lobule (pair)
lobulus parietalis inferior (par)
61898 6005 tax
angular gyrus (pair)
gyrus angularis (par)
74889 6007 tax
parietal operculum
operculum parietale
61897 6012 tax
supramarginal gyrus (pair)
gyrus supramarginalis (par)
inferomedial surface (pair)
facies inferomedialis (par)
77534 6045 tax
paracentral lobule
lobulus paracentralis
77538 6058 tax
posterior paracentral gyrus
gyrus paracentralis posterior
primary somatosensory cortex of posterior paracentral gyrus
cortex somatosensorius primarius gyri paracentralis posterioris
9122 tax
transverse parietal groove (pair)
sulcus parietalis transversus (par)
61900 6059 tax
precuneus (pair)
precuneus (par)
83777 6041
subparietal groove
sulcus subparietalis
67325 6013
occipital lobe (pair) P4 55 children
lobus occipitalis (par)
superolateral surface (pair)
facies superolateralis (par)
74892 6014
occipital pole (pair)
polus occipitalis (par)
83788 6015 tax
lunate groove (pair)
sulcus lunatus (par)
83786 6016 tax
transverse occipital groove (pair)
sulcus occipitalis transversus (par)
61901 8701 tax
superior occipital gyrus (pair)
gyrus occipitalis superior (par)
61902 8702 tax
middle occipital gyrus (pair)
gyrus occipitalis medius (par)
273129 8703 tax
inferior occipital gyrus (pair)
gyrus occipitalis inferior (par)
274557 8691 tax
descending occipital gyrus (pair)
gyrus occipitalis descendens (par)
superolateral striate area (pair)
area striata superolateralis (par)
68614 9119
primary visual cortex ; striate area
cortex visualis primarius ; area striata
superolateral extrastriate area (pair)
area extrastriata superolateralis (par)
inferomedial surface (pair)
facies inferomedialis (par)
61903 6060 tax
cuneus (pair)
cuneus (par)
83749 6061 tax
calcarine groove (pair)
sulcus calcarinus (par)
61904 6062 tax
lingular gyrus (pair) ; medial occipitotemporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus lingularis (par) ; gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis (par)
74518 6065 tax
occipitotemporal groove (pair) ; lateral occipitotemporal groove (pair)
sulcus occipitotemporalis (par) ; sulcus occipitotemporalis lateralis (par)
inferomedial striate area (pair)
area striata inferomedialis (par)
68614 9119
primary visual cortex ; striate area
cortex visualis primarius ; area striata
inferomedial extrastriate area (pair)
area extrastriata inferomedialis (par)
61825 6017
temporal lobe (pair) P4 82 children
lobus temporalis (par)
superolateral surface (pair)
facies superolateralis (par)
74890 6018
temporal pole (pair)
polus temporalis (par)
61905 6019 tax
superior temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis superior (par)
anterior part (pair) ; secondary auditory cortex (pair) ; belt area (pair)
pars anterior (par) ; cortex auditorius secundarius (par)
posterior part (pair)
pars posterior (par)
74891 6020 tax
temporal operculum
operculum temporale
71043 8710 tax
polar plane (pair)
planum polare (par)
273671 6021 tax
transverse temporal gyri (pair)
gyri temporales transversi (par)
primary auditory cortex (pair) ; core area (pair)
cortex auditorius primarius (par)
61909 6022
anterior transverse temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis transversus anterior (par)
61910 6023
posterior transverse temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis transversus posterior (par)
71045 6024 tax
temporal plane (pair)
planum temporale (par)
83782 6025 tax
transverse temporal grooves (pair)
sulci temporales transversi (par)
8711 tax
anterior transverse temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis transversus anterior (par)
8712 tax
intermediate transverse temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius (par)
8713 tax
posterior transverse temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis transversus posterior (par)
83783 6026 tax
superior temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis superior (par)
61906 6027 tax
middle temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis medius (par)
83784 6028 tax
inferior temporal groove (pair)
sulcus temporalis inferior (par)
61907 6029 tax
inferior temporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus temporalis inferior (par)
inferomedial surface (pair)
facies inferomedialis (par)
61907 6029 tax
inferior temporal gyrus
gyrus temporalis inferior
74518 6065 tax
occipitotemporal groove ; lateral occipitotemporal groove
sulcus occipitotemporalis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis lateralis
61908 6063 tax
fusiform gyrus (pair) ; lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (pair)
gyrus fusiformis (par) ; gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis (par)
medial part of fusiform gyrus (pair)
pars medialis gyri fusiformis (par)
lateral part of fusiform gyrus (pair)
pars lateralis gyri fusiformis (par)
ectorhinal cortex (pair)
cortex ectorhinalis (par)
midfusiform sulcus (pair)
sulcus fusiformis medius (par)
83751 6042
collateral groove ; medial occipitotemporal groove
sulcus collateralis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis medialis
61918 6070 tax
parahippocampal gyrus
gyrus parahippocampalis
67329 6030
insula (par)
274526 6031 tax
insular gyri (pair)
gyri insulae (par)
67555 6032 tax
long gyri of islet (pair)
gyri longi insulae (par)
274723 11498 tax
anterior long gyrus of islet (pair)
gyrus longus anterior insulae (par)
274729 11508 tax
posterior long gyrus of islet (pair)
gyrus longus posterior insulae (par)
61913 6033 tax
short gyri of islet (pair)
gyri breves insulae (par)
274705 11509 tax
anterior short gyrus of islet (pair)
gyrus brevis anterior insulae (par)
274711 11510 tax
middle short gyrus of islet (pair)
gyrus brevis medius insulae (par)
274717 11511 tax
posterior short gyrus of islet (pair)
gyrus brevis posterior insulae (par)
12167 tax
transverse gyrus of islet (pair)
gyrus transversus insulae (par)
61915 11513 tax
anterior accessory gyrus of islet (pair)
gyrus accessorius anterior insulae (par)
83753 6035 tax
circular groove of islet (pair) ; periinsular groove (pair)
sulcus circularis insulae (par) ; sulcus periinsularis (par)
83779 6034 tax
superior central groove of islet (pair)
sulcus centralis superior insulae (par)
75266 6036 tax
limen of islet (pair)
limen insulae (par)
claustral peripaleocortical region (pair)
regio peripaleocorticalis claustralis (par)
72719 6066
limbic lobe (pair) P4 137 children
lobus limbicus (par)
275048 8717 tax
limbic gyrus (pair) ; outer ring of limbic lobe (pair)
gyrus limbicus (par)
61890 6047 tax
subcallosal area ; subcallosal gyrus
area subcallosa ; gyrus subcallosus
62434 6067 tax
cingulate gyrus (pair) ; gyrus of girdle (pair)
gyrus cingularis (par)
61916 8718
anterior cingulate cortex (pair)
pars anterior (par)
276530 8720
midcingulate cortex (pair)
pars media (par)
61924 8726
posterior cingulate cortex (pair)
pars posterior (par)
retrosplenial cortex
cortex retrosplenialis
62502 6068
isthmus of cingulate gyrus (pair)
isthmus gyri cingularis (par)
61918 6070 tax
parahippocampal gyrus (pair)
gyrus parahippocampalis (par)
entorhinal cortex (pair)
cortex entorhinalis (par)
white reticular matter (pair)
substantia reticularis alba (par)
hippocampal warts (pair)
verrucae hippocampi (par)
perirhinal cortex (pair)
cortex perirhinalis (par)
transentorhinal subregion (pair)
subregio transentorhinalis (par)
74884 6071
uncus (pair)
uncus (par)
8734 tax
ambient gyrus (pair)
gyrus ambiens (par)
8735 tax
semianular groove (pair)
sulcus semianularis (par)
8736 tax
semilunar gyrus (pair)
gyrus semilunaris (par)
8737 tax
uncinate gyrus (pair)
gyrus uncinatus (par)
limbus of dentate gyrus (pair)
limbus fasciae dentatae (par)
275054 8739 tax
intralimbic gyrus (pair) ; uncal apex (pair)
gyrus intralimbicus (par)
83751 6042
collateral groove ; medial occipitotemporal groove
sulcus collateralis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis medialis
83746 6076 tax
rhinal groove (pair)
sulcus rhinalis (par)
8756 tax
intrarhinal groove (pair)
sulcus intrarhinalis (par)
periamygdaloid region (pair)
regio periamygdaloidea (par)
74038 8721 tax
hippocampal formation (pair) ; inner ring of limbic lobe (pair)
formatio hippocampi (par)
277774 8722
precommissural part of hippocampus (pair)
pars precommissuralis hippocampi (par)
supracommissural part of hippocampus (pair)
pars supracommissuralis hippocampi (par)
62439 6083
lateral longitudinal stria (pair)
stria longitudinalis lateralis (par)
62488 6082
indusium griseum (pair)
indusium griseum (par)
67956 6084
medial longitudinal stria (pair)
stria longitudinalis medialis (par)
277777 8724
proper hippocampus (pair) ; retrocommissural part of hippocampus (pair)
hippocampus proprius (par) ; pars retrocommissuralis hippocampi (par)
subdivisions of proper hippocampus (pair)
divisiones hippocampi proprii (par)
323277 6146
pes of hippocampus (pair)
pes hippocampi (par)
hippocampal digitations (pair)
digitationes hippocampi (par)
275036 9275
head of hippocampus (pair) ; anterior segment (pair)
caput hippocampi (par) ; segmentum anterius hippocampi (par)
275030 9278
body of hippocampus (pair) ; middle segment of hippocampus (pair)
corpus hippocampi (par) ; segmentum medium hippocampi (par)
275042 9294
tail of hippocampus (pair) ; posterior segment of hippocampus (pair)
cauda hippocampi (par) ; segmentum posterius hippocampi (par)
83747 6072 tax
hippocampal groove (pair)
sulcus hippocampalis (par)
61922 6073 tax
dentate gyrus (pair) ; dentate fascia (pair)
gyrus dentatus (par) ; fascia dentata (par)
83728 6074 tax
fimbriodentate groove (pair)
sulcus fimbriodentatus (par)
8762 tax
teeth of subiculum (pair) ; subsplenial gyri (pair) ; gyrus of Andreas Retzii (pair)
dentes subiculi (par) ; gyri subspleniales (par)
61921 6069 tax
fasciolar gyrus (pair)
gyrus fasciolaris (par)
275093 8757 tax
fasciola cinerea (pair)
fasciola cinerea (par)
74414 6149 tax
subiculum (pair)
subiculum (par)
62486 6148 tax
presubiculum (pair)
presubiculum (par)
77604 6145 tax
parasubiculum (pair)
parasubiculum (par)
86464 6077 tax
corpus callosum P4 4 children
corpus callosum
61945 6078 tax
61946 6079 tax
6080 tax
trunk ; body
truncus ; corpus
61948 6081 tax
31719 840 tax
dorsal face
facies dorsalis
61874 6099 tax
62472 6100
layer (pair)
lamina (par)
internal morphology of telencephalon
morphologia interna telencephali
61830 6124 tax
cerebral cortex (pair)
cortex cerebri (par)
61830 5972
pallium (pair)
pallium (par)
dorsal pallium (pair)
pallium dorsale (par)
lateral pallium (pair)
pallium laterale (par)
medial pallium (pair)
pallium mediale (par)
ventral pallium (pair)
pallium ventrale (par)
62429 6130 tax
isocortex (par) ; neocortex (par)
granular isocortex (pair)
isocortex granularis (par)
primary sensory areas (pair)
areae sensoriae primariae (par)
unimodal sensory areas (pair)
areae sensoriae unimodales (par)
higher order association areas (pair); principal association areas (pair)
areae associationis ordini magni (par); areae majores associationis (par)
agranular isocortex (pair)
isocortex agranularis (par)
primary motor area (pair)
area motoria primaria (par)
nonprimary motor areas (pair)
areae motoriae nonprimariae (par)
242257 6131 tax
layers of isocortex (pair)
strata isocorticis (par)
242259 6132
molecular layer (pair) ; layer I (pair)
lamina molecularis (par) ; lamina I (par)
242264 6133
external granular layer (pair) ; layer II (pair)
lamina granularis externa (par) ; lamina II (par)
242283 6134
external pyramidal layer (pair) ; layer III (pair)
lamina pyramidalis externa (par) ; lamina III (par)
242298 6135
internal granular layer (pair) ; layer IV (pair)
lamina granularis interna (par) ; lamina IV (par)
242313 6136
internal pyramidal layer (pair) ; layer V (pair)
lamina pyramidalis interna (par) ; lamina V (par)
242333 6137
multiform layer (pair) ; layer VI (pair)
lamina multiformis (par) ; lamina VI (par)
stria of myelinated fibres of isocortex (pair) ▲
striae fibrarum myelinatarum isocorticis (par)
77807 6138
stria of molecular layer of isocortex (pair) ; layer 1 (pair) ; tangential layer (pair)
stria laminae molecularis iso (par) ; lamina 1 (par) ; lamina tangentialis (par)
superficial sublayer (pair) ; sublayer 1a (pair)
sublamina superficialis (par) ; sublamina 1a (par)
intermediate sublayer (pair) ; sublayer 1b (pair)
sublamina intermedia (par) ; sublamina 1b (par)
deep sublayer (pair) ; sublayer 1c (pair)
sublamina profunda (par) ; sublamina 1c (par)
dysfibrous layer (pair) ; layer 2 (pair)
lamina dysfibrosa (par) ; lamina 2 (par)
suprastriate layer (pair); layer 3 (pair)
lamina suprastriata (par) ; lamina 3 (par)
superficial sublayer (pair) ; sublayer 3a (pair)
sublamina superficialis (par) ; sublamina 3a (par)
intermediate sublayer (pair) ; sublayer 3b (pair)
sublamina intermedia (par) ; sublamina 3b (par)
deep sublayer (pair) ; sublayer 3c (pair)
sublamina profunda (par) ; sublamina 3c (par)
stria of external pyramidal layer of isocortex (pair) ; layer 4 (pair)
stria laminae pyramidalis externae iso (par) ; lamina 4 (par)
intrastriate layer (pair); sublayer 5a (pair)
lamina intrastriata (par) ; sublamina 5a (par)
77809 6142
stria of internal pyramidal layer of isocortex (pair) ; sublayer 5b (pair)
stria laminae pyramidalis internae iso (par) ; sublamina 5b (par)
substriate and limiting layer (pair); layer 6 (pair)
lamina substriata limitans (par) ; lamina 6 (par)
substriate sublayer (pair); sublayer 6a (pair)
sublamina substriata (par) ; sublamina 6a (par)
limiting sublayer (pair) ; sublayer 6b (pair)
sublamina limitans (par) ; sublamina 6b (par)
vertical stria (pair)
stria verticalis (par)
cortical column of isocortex (pair)
columna corticalis isocorticis (par)
68614 9119
primary visual cortex (pair) ; striate area (pair)
cortex visualis primarius (par) ; area striata (par)
75667 6141
occipital stripe (pair)
stria occipitalis (par)
ocular dominance column (pair)
columna dominantiae ocularis (par)
orientation column (pair)
columna orientationis (par)
hypercolumn (pair)
hypercolumna (par)
neurons of isocortex (pair)
neura isocorticis (par)
9139 tax
projection neurons of isocortex (pair); pyramidal neurons of isocortex (pair)
neura projectionis isocorticis (par) ; neura pyramidalia isocorticis (par)
8814 tax
large pyramidal neurons of isocortex (pair) ; large pyramidal cells of isocortex (pair)
neura pyramidalia magna isocorticis (par)
8815 tax
giant pyramidal neurons of isocortex (pair) ; giant pyramidal cells of isocortex (pair)
neura pyramidalia gigantea isocorticis (par)
9143 tax
commissural neurons of isocortex (pair)
neura commissuralia isocorticis (par)
8816 tax
middle pyramidal neurons of isocortex (pair) ; medium-sized pyramidal cells of isocortex (pair)
neura pyramidalia media isocorticis (par)
9155 tax
association neurons of isocortex (pair)
neura associationis isocorticis (par)
8817 tax
small pyramidal neurons of isocortex (pair) ; small pyramidal cells of isocortex (pair)
neura pyramidalia parva isocorticis (par)
interneurons of isocortex (pair)
interneura isocorticis (par)
8818 tax
excitatory interneurons of isocortex (pair) ; spinous interneurons of isocortex (pair)
interneura excitatoria isocorticis (par) ; interneura spinalia isocorticis (par)
8819 tax
spinous stellate neurons of isocortex (pair) ; spiny stellate cells of isocortex (pair)
neura stellata spinalia isocorticis (par)
8820 tax
inhibitory interneurons of isocortex (pair) ; smooth interneurons of isocortex (pair)
interneura inhibitoria isocorticis (par) ; interneura levia isocorticis (par)
8821 tax
axodendritic neurons of isocortex (pair) ; axodendritic cells of isocortex (pair)
neura axodendritica isocorticis (par)
8822 tax
bipolar neurons of isocortex (pair) ; bipolar cells of isocortex (pair)
neura bipolaria isocorticis (par)
8823 tax
horizontal neurons of isocortex (pair) ; horizontal cells of isocortex (pair)
neura horizontalia isocorticis (par)
8824 tax
multitufted neurons of isocortex (pair) ; multititufted cells of isocortex (pair)
neura multiplumosa isocorticis (par)
8825 tax
neurogliaform neurons of isocortex (pair) ; spiderweb cells of isocortex (pair); neurogliaform cells of isocortex (pair)
neura neurogliaformia isocorticis (par) ; neura araneiformia isocorticis (par)
8828 tax
double dendritic bouquet neurons of isocortex (pair); bitufted neurons of isocortex (pair) ; double dendritic bouquet cells of isocortex (pair)
neura racemiformia biracemiformia isocorticis (par) ; neura biplumosa isocorticis (par)
8829 tax
axosomatodendritic neurons of isocortex (pair) ; axosomatodendritic cells of isocortex (pair)
neura axosomatodendritica isocorticis (par)
8831 tax
large basket neurons of isocortex (pair); large basket cells of isocortex (pair)
neura corbiformia magna isocorticis (par)
8832 tax
small basket neurons of isocortex (pair); small basket cells of isocortex (pair)
neura corbiformia parva isocorticis (par)
8833 tax
axoaxonal neurons of isocortex (pair) ; axoaxonal cells of isocortex (pair)
neura axoaxonica isocorticis (par)
8834 tax
candeliform neurons of isocortex (pair) ; chandelier cells of isocortex (pair)
neura candelaria isocorticis (par)
complexus claustroinsularis (par)
67440 6187
claustrum (pair)
claustrum (par)
dorsal claustrum (pair) ; insular claustrum (pair)
claustrum dorsale (par) ; claustrum insulare (par)
ventral claustrum (pair) ; endopiriform nucleus (pair)
claustrum ventrale (par) ; nucleus endopiriformis (par)
insular cortex (pair)
cortex insularis (par)
agranular insular cortex (pair)
cortex insularis agranularis (par)
projection neurons of insular cortex (pair)
neura projectionis corticis insularis (par)
large bipolar neurons of insular cortex (pair) ; spindle cells of insular cortex (pair); large bipolar cells of insular cortex (pair)
neura bipolaria magna corticis insularis (par)
dysgranular insular cortex (pair)
cortex insularis dysgranularis (par)
granular insular cortex (pair)
cortex insularis granularis (par)
83687 6128 tax
allocortex (pair)
allocortex (par)
62430 6126 tax
paleocortex (pair) P4 122 children
paleocortex (par)
layers of olfactory bulb (pair)
strata bulbi olfactorii (par)
olfactory nerve layer (pair)
stratum neurofibrosum (par)
glomerular layer (pair)
stratum glomerulosum (par)
olfactory glomerulus (pair)
glomerulus olfactorius (par)
external plexiform layer (pair)
stratum plexiforme externum (par)
mitral cell layer (pair)
stratum mitrale (par)
internal plexiform layer (pair)
stratum plexiforme internum (par)
granular layer (pair)
stratum granulare (par)
neurons of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura bulbi olfactorii (par)
9332 tax
projection neurons of olfactory bulb (pair); principal neurons of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura projectionis bulbi olfactorii (par) ; neura principalia bulbi olfactorii (par)
9333 tax
mitral neurons of olfactory bulb (pair) ; mitral cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura mitralia bulbi olfactorii (par)
9334 tax
tufted neurons of olfactory bulb (pair) ; tufted cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura plumosa bulbi olfactorii (par)
9335 tax
external tufted neurons of olfactory bulb (pair) ; external tufted cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura plumosa externa bulbi olfactorii (par)
9364 tax
middle tufted neurons of olfactory bulb (pair) ; middle tufted cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura plumosa media bulbi olfactorii (par)
9365 tax
internal tufted neurons of olfactory bulb (pair) ; internal tufted cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura plumosa interna bulbi olfactorii (par)
interneurons of olfactory bulb (pair)
interneura bulbi olfactorii (par)
9367 tax
excitatory interneurons of olfactory bulb (pair)
interneura excitatoria bulbi olfactorii (par)
9368 tax
juxtaglomerular neurons of olfactory bulb (pair) ; juxtaglomerular cells of olfactory bulb (pair); short-axon cells (pair)
neura juxtaglomerulosa bulbi olfactorii (par)
9379 tax
inhibitory interneurons of olfactory bulb (pair)
interneura inhibitoria bulbi olfactorii (par)
9380 tax
superficial granule neurons of olfactory bulb (pair); superficial granule cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura granularia superficialia bulbi olfactorii (par)
9383 tax
intermediate granule neurons of olfactory bulb (pair); intermediate granule cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura granularia intermedia bulbi olfactorii (par)
9384 tax
deep granule neurons of olfactory bulb (pair); deep granule cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura granularia profunda bulbi olfactorii (par)
9387 tax
periglomerular neurons of olfactory bulb (pair) ; periglomerular cells of olfactory bulb (pair)
neura periglomerulosa bulbi olfactorii (par)
dopaminergic cells of olfactory bulb (pair) ; dopaminergic cell A16s (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae bulbi olfactorii (par)
77628 6182
layers of retrobulbar region (pair)
strata regionis retrobulbaris (par)
molecular layer (pair)
stratum moleculare (par)
dense cell layer (pair)
stratum densocellulare (par)
multiform layer (pair)
stratum multiforme (par)
layers of piriform cortex of olfactory structure (pair)
strata corticis piriformis structurae olfactoriae (par)
molecular layer (pair)
stratum moleculare (par)
dense cell layer (pair)
stratum densocellulare (par)
multiform layer (pair)
stratum multiforme (par)
layers of periamygdaloid region (pair)
strata regionis periamygdaloideae (par)
molecular layer (pair)
stratum moleculare (par)
dense cell layer (pair)
stratum densocellulare (par)
layers of claustral peripaleocortical region (pair)
strata regionis peripaleocorticalis claustralis (par)
molecular layer (pair)
stratum moleculare (par)
dense cell layer (pair)
stratum densocellulare (par)
dissecting layer (pair)
stratum dissecans (par)
multiform layer (pair)
stratum multiforme (par)
62424 6125 tax
archicortex (pair) P4 121 children
archicortex (par)
hippocampal fields (pair)
regiones hippocampi (par)
74042 6151
CA1 field (pair)
cornu ammonis 1 (par)
72044 6152
CA2 field (pair)
cornu ammonis 2 (par)
72045 6153
CA3 field (pair)
cornu ammonis 3 (par)
75741 6154
CA3h field (pair)
cornu ammonis ammonis (par)
layers of hippocampus (pair) ; layer of Ammon's horns (pair)
strata hippocampi (par) ; strata cornus ammonis (par)
83149 6158
lacunomolecular layer (pair)
stratum lacunomoleculare (par)
83894 6161
radiate layer (pair)
stratum radiatum (par)
83895 6160
pyramidal layer (pair)
stratum pyramidale (par)
83893 6159
oriens layer (pair)
stratum oriens (par)
neurons of hippocampus (pair)
neura hippocampi (par)
9298 tax
projection neurons of hippocampus (pair); principal neurons of hippocampus (pair)
neura projectionis hippocampi (par)
9299 tax
pyramidal neurons of hippocampus (pair) ; pyramidal cells of hippocampus (pair)
neura pyramidalia hippocampi (par)
interneurons of hippocampus (pair)
interneura hippocampi (par)
9307 tax
inhibitory interneurons of hippocampus (pair)
interneura inhibitoria hippocampi (par)
9312 tax
basket neurons of hippocampus (pair); basket cells of hippocampus (pair)
neura corbiformia hippocampi (par)
9326 tax
bistratified neurons of hippocampus (pair) ; bistratified cells of hippocampus (pair)
neura bistratificata hippocampi (par)
9328 tax
candeliform neurons of hippocampus (pair) ; chandelier cells of hippocampus (pair); axoaxonic neurons of hippocampus (pair)
neura candelaria hippocampi (par)
white matter of hippocampus (pair) ; white substance of hippocampus (pair)
substantia alba hippocampi (par)
commissural tracts of hippocampus
tractus commissurales hippocampi
61970 6286
hippocampal commissure; psalterium
commissura hippocampi ; psalterium
descending tracts of hippocampus ; descending tract of origin in hippocampi
tractus descendentes hippocampi ; tractus descendentes originis hippocampi
61965 6091
proper tracts of hippocampus ; intrinsic tracts of hippocampus
tractus proprii hippocampi ; tractus intrinsici hippocampi
mossy fibres of hippocampus
neuroneurofibrae muscosae hippocampi
axonal collaterals of proper hippocampus
collaterales axonales hippocampi proprii
endfolial pathway
via endofolialis
hilar axonal collaterals of proper hippocampus
collaterales axonales hilares hippocampi proprii
83867 6156
alveus hippocampi
83866 6075
fimbria hippocampi
83678 6163
layers of dentate gyrus (pair)
strata gyri dentati (par)
83677 6164
molecular layer of dentate gyrus (pair)
stratum moleculare gyri dentati (par)
83146 6165
granular layer of dentate gyrus (pair)
stratum granulare gyri dentati (par)
72358 6166
multiform layer of dentate gyrus (pair)
stratum multiforme gyri dentati (par)
neurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
neura gyri dentati (par)
9400 tax
projection neurons of dentate gyrus (pair); principal neurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
neura projectionis gyri dentati (par) ; neura principalia gyri dentati (par)
9401 tax
granule neurons of dentate gyrus (pair); granule cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
neura granularia gyri dentati (par)
interneurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
interneura gyri dentati (par)
9403 tax
excitatory interneurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
interneura excitatoria gyri dentati (par)
9404 tax
mossy neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; stellate neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; mossy cells of dentate gyrus (pair); stellate cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
neura muscosa gyri dentati (par) ; neura stellata gyri dentati (par)
9405 tax
inhibitory interneurons of dentate gyrus (pair)
interneura inhibitoria gyri dentati (par)
9406 tax
pyramidal basket neurons of dentate gyrus (pair); pyramidal basket cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
neura corbiformia pyramidalia gyri dentati (par)
9407 tax
candeliform neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; axoaxonal neurons of dentate gyrus (pair) ; chandelier cells of dentate gyrus (pair); axoaxonic cells of dentate gyrus (pair)
neura candelaria gyri dentati (par) ; neura axoaxonica gyri dentati (par)
layers of subiculum (pair)
strata subiculi (par)
molecular layer of subiculum (pair)
stratum moleculare subiculi (par)
pyramidal layer of subiculum (pair)
stratum pyramidale subiculi (par)
multiform layer of subiculum (pair)
stratum multiforme subiculi (par)
84039 6129 tax
mesiocortex (pair) P4 101 children
mesiocortex (par)
8920 tax
proisocortex (pair)
proisocortex (par)
8921 tax
periallocortex (pair)
periallocortex (par)
8922 tax
peripaleocortex (pair)
peripaleocortex (par)
8924 tax
periarchicortex (pair)
periarchicortex (par)
layers of presubiculum (pair)
strata presubiculi (par)
molecular layer of presubiculum (pair)
stratum moleculare presubiculi (par)
external principal layer of presubiculum (pair)
stratum principale externum presubiculi (par)
internal principal layer of presubiculum (pair)
stratum principale internum presubiculi (par)
layers of parasubiculum (pair)
strata parasubiculi (par)
molecular layer of parasubiculum (pair)
stratum moleculare parasubiculi (par)
cellular layer of parasubiculum (pair)
stratum cellulare parasubiculi (par)
layers of entorhinal cortex (pair)
strata corticis entorhinalis (par)
molecular layer of entorhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 1 of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum moleculare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 1 corticis entorhinalis (par)
external principal layer of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum principale externum corticis entorhinalis (par)
cell island layer of entorhinal cortex (pair); layer 2 of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum stellare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 2 corticis entorhinalis (par)
pyramidal layer of entorhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 3 of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum pyramidale corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 3 corticis entorhinalis (par)
dissecting layer of entorhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 4 of entorhinal cortex (pair)
lamina dissecans corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 4 corticis entorhinalis (par)
internal principal layer of entorhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 5 of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum principale internum corticis entorhinalis (par) ; lamina 5 corticis entorhinalis (par)
magnocellular layer of entorhinal cortex (pair) ; sublayer 5a of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum magnocellulare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; sublamina 5a corticis entorhinalis (par)
parvocellular layer of entorhinal cortex (pair) ; sublayer 5b of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum parvocellulare corticis entorhinalis (par) ; sublamina 5b corticis entorhinalis (par)
layer 5c of entorhinal cortex (pair) ; sublayer 5c of entorhinal cortex (pair)
stratum 5c corticis entorhinalis (par) ; sublamina 5c corticis entorhinalis (par)
layers of perirhinal cortex (pair)
strata corticis perirhinalis (par)
molecular layer of perirhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 1 of perirhinal cortex (pair)
stratum moleculare corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 1 corticis perirhinalis (par)
cell island layer of perirhinal cortex (pair); layer 2 of perirhinal cortex (pair)
stratum stellare corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 2 corticis perirhinalis (par)
external pyramidal layer of perirhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 3 of perirhinal cortex (pair)
stratum pyramidale externum corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 3 corticis perirhinalis (par)
dissecting layer of perirhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 4 of perirhinal cortex (pair)
lamina dissecans corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 4 corticis perirhinalis (par)
internal pyramidal layer of perirhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 5 of perirhinal cortex (pair)
stratum pyramidale internum corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 5 corticis perirhinalis (par)
multiform layer of perirhinal cortex (pair) ; layer 6 of perirhinal cortex (pair)
stratum multiforme corticis perirhinalis (par) ; lamina 6 corticis perirhinalis (par)
cingulate cortex (pair)
cortex cingularis (par)
retrosplenial cortex (pair)
cortex retrosplenialis (par)
ectosplenial cortex (pair)
cortex ectosplenialis (par)
granular retrosplenial cortex (pair)
cortex retrosplenialis granularis (par)
dysgranular retrosplenial cortex (pair)
cortex retrosplenialis dysgranularis (par)
9449 tax
substantia alba hemispherii cerebri (par)
semioval centre (pair)
centrum semiovale (par)
61960 6267 tax
extreme capsule
capsula extrema
62076 9508 tax
temporal peduncle
pedunculus temporalis
77636 6275
uncinate fasciculus of brain
fasciculus uncinatus cerebri
77633 6276
inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus
fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior
61950 6239 tax
internal capsule (pair)
capsula interna (par)
61952 6241 tax
anterior limb (pair)
crus anterius (par)
76976 5877
anterior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica anterior ; radiatio anterior thalami
75223 6243
frontopontine tract
tractus frontopontinus
61953 6244 tax
knee of internal capsule (pair)
genu capsulae internae (par)
75222 6245 tax
61954 6246 tax
posterior limb of internal capsule (pair)
crus posterius capsulae internae (par)
76978 5878
central thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica centralis ; radiatio centralis thalami
8528 tax
corticoreticular tract
tractus corticoreticularis
9196 tax
corticored tract
tractus corticoruber
265586 8527 tax
corticospinal tract
tractus corticospinalis
8525 tax
corticothalamic fibres
fibrae corticothalamicae
8535 tax
parietopontine fibres
fibrae parietopontinae
thalamoparietal fibres
fibrae thalamoparietales
61957 6254 tax
retrolentiform limb of internal capsule (pair); retrolenticular limb of internal capsule (pair)
pars retrolentiformis capsulae internae (par) ; crus retrolentiforme capsulae internae (par)
8534 tax
occipitopontine fibres
fibrae occipitopontinae
occipitohidden fibres
fibrae occipitotectae
61941 5884
optic radiation
radiatio optica
geniculocalcarine fibres
fibrae geniculocalcarinae
76982 5886
posterior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica posterior ; radiatio posterior thalami
61958 6259 tax
sublentiform limb (pair); sublenticular limb (pair)
pars sublentiformis (par)
acoustic radiation
radiatio acustica
geniculotemporal fibres
fibrae geniculotemporales
6261 tax
corticohidden fibres
fibrae corticotectae
61941 5884
optic radiation
radiatio optica
geniculocalcarine fibres
fibrae geniculocalcarinae
8536 tax
temporopontine fibres
fibrae temporopontinae
8525 tax
corticothalamic fibres
fibrae corticothalamicae
260714 7616 tax
association tracts of telencephalon; association tracts of brain
tractus associationis originis telencephali ; tractus associationis cerebri
260717 6274 tax
short fibres of association ; U-fibres ▲
fibrae associationis breves ; fibrae U-figuratae
77630 6273 tax
long association fibres ▲
fibrae longae associationis
superior longitudinal system
systema longitudinale superius
77631 6272
superior longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis superior
superior longitudinal fasciculus I
fasciculus longitudinalis superior I
superior longitudinal fasciculus II
fasciculus longitudinalis superior II
superior longitudinal fasciculus III
fasciculus longitudinalis superior III
frontooccipital fasciculus
fasciculus frontooccipitalis
77634 6277
superior occipitofrontal fasciculus
fasciculus occipitofrontalis superior
276650 6269
arcuate fasciculus
fasciculus arcuatus
inferior longitudinal system
systema longitudinale inferius
inferior frontooccipital fasciculus
fasciculus frontooccipitalis inferior
77636 6275
uncinate fasciculus of brain
fasciculus uncinatus cerebri
77633 6276
inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus
fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior
middle longitudinal system
systema longitudinale medium
middle longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis medius
basal longitudinal system
systema longitudinale basale
77632 6271
inferior longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis inferior
mesial longitudinal system
systema longitudinale mesiale
260761 6270
anterior transverse system
systema transversum anterius
oblique frontal fasciculus ; frontal aslant tract
fasciculus frontalis obliquus
posterior transverse system
systema transversum posterius
83457 11830
vertical temporoparietal fasciculus ; temporoparietal aslant tract
fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis
lobar fibres of association
fibrae associationis lobares
orbitopolar frontal fasciculus
fasciculus frontalis orbitopolaris
frontomarginal fasciculus
fasciculus frontomarginalis
vertical occipital fasciculi
fasciculi occipitales verticales
lateral fibres
fibrae laterales
caudal fibres
fibrae caudales
horizontal occipital fasciculi
fasciculi occipitales horizontales
cuneate fibres
fibrae cuneatae
lingular fibres
fibrae lingulares
8522 tax
commissural tracts of telencephalon; commissural tracts of brain
tractus commissurales originis telencephali ; tractus commissurales cerebri
fibres of corpus callosum
fibrae corporis callosi
77693 6085 tax
radiation of corpus callosum
radiatio corporis callosi
61944 6086
lesser forceps ; frontal forceps
forceps minor ; forceps frontalis
61949 6087
major forceps; occipital forceps
forceps major ; forceps occipitalis
77208 6088
61970 6286
hippocampal commissure; psalterium
commissura hippocampi ; psalterium
61961 5799 tax
anterior commissure
commissura anterior
61963 6089 tax
anterior part of anterior commissure
pars anterior commissurae anterioris
61964 6090 tax
posterior part of anterior commissure
pars posterior commissurae anterioris
61959 6266 tax
external capsule (pair)
capsula externa (par)
8524 tax
descending tracts of origin in telencephalon
tractus descendentes originis cerebri
77637 9509
subcallosal bundle
fasciculus subcallosus
84379 6193
descending peduncular fasciculus
fasciculus peduncularis descendens
angular bundle
fasciculus angularis
perforating tract
tractus perforans
9544 tax
corticostriatal fibres
fibrae corticostriatales
8525 tax
corticothalamic fibres
fibrae corticothalamicae
occipitohidden fibres
fibrae occipitotectae
72634 8526 tax
pyramidal tract
tractus pyramidalis
9196 tax
corticored tract
tractus corticoruber
8528 tax
corticoreticular tract
tractus corticoreticularis
corticonuclear tract
tractus corticonuclearis
265586 8527 tax
corticospinal tract
tractus corticospinalis
224856 12543
corticopontine tracts
tractus corticopontini
8532 tax
frontopontine fibres
fibrae frontopontinae
8535 tax
parietopontine fibres
fibrae parietopontinae
8536 tax
temporopontine fibres
fibrae temporopontinae
8534 tax
occipitopontine fibres
fibrae occipitopontinae
18661 6265 tax
corona radiata (pair)
corona radiata (par)
61841 6168
corpus amygdaloideum (par) ; complexus amygdaloideus (par) ; amygdala (par)
9547 tax
basolateral nuclei (pair)
nuclei basolaterales (par)
68855 6173 tax
basolateral amygdaloid nucleus (pair)
nucleus basalis lateralis amygdalae (par)
68858 6174 tax
basomedial amygdaloid nucleus (pair)
nucleus basalis medialis amygdalae (par)
77606 6169
amygdaloclaustral transition area (pair)
area transitionis amygdaloclaustralis (par)
61866 6178 tax
lateral amygdaloid nucleus (pair)
nucleus lateralis amygdalae (par)
9579 tax
centromedial nuclei (pair)
nuclei centromediales (par)
74047 6175 tax
central amygdaloid nucleus (pair)
nucleus centralis amygdalae (par)
74046 6179 tax
medial amygdaloid nucleus (pair)
nucleus medialis amygdalae (par)
9580 tax
intercalated amygdaloid nuclei (pair)
nuclei intercalati amygdalae (par)
amygdalostriatal transition area (pair)
area transitionis amygdalostriatalis (par)
extended amygdala (pair)
amygdala extenta (par)
77609 6186
sublenticular extended amygdala (pair)
pars sublenticularis amygdalae (par)
77699 6177 tax
interstitial amygdaloid nucleus (pair); interstitial nucleus of posterior part of anterior commissure (pair)
nucleus interstitialis amygdalae (par) ; nucleus interstitialis partis posterioris commissurae anterioris (par)
olfactory amygdala (pair)
amygdala olfactoria (par)
61861 6172 tax
anterior amygdaloid area (pair)
area amygdaloidea anterior (par)
9846 tax
anterior cortical nucleus of amygdala (pair)
nucleus corticalis anterior amygdalae (par)
9847 tax
posterior cortical nucleus of amygdala (pair)
nucleus corticalis posterior amygdalae (par)
9848 tax
ventral cortical nucleus of amygdala (pair)
nucleus corticalis ventralis amygdalae (par)
61865 6180 tax
nucleus of lateral olfactory stria (pair)
nucleus tractus olfactorii lateralis (par)
77607 6170
amygdalohippocampal transition area (pair)
area transitionis amygdalohippocampalis (par)
77608 6171
amygdalopiriform transition area (pair)
area transitionis amygdalopiriformis (par)
62485 6181
periamygdaloid cortex (pair) ; parahippocampal amygdaloid transition area (pair)
cortex periamygdaloideus (par)
white matter of amygdaloid body (pair)
substantia alba corporis amygdaloidei (par)
8525 tax
corticothalamic fibres
fibrae corticothalamicae
61974 6111
stria terminalis
stria terminalis
ventral amygdalofugal bundle
fasciculus amygdalofugiens ventralis
amygdalotegmental fibres
fibrae amygdalotegmentales
77616 6230
subpallium (pair) P4 14 children
subpallium (par)
77618 6231 tax
striatum (pair)
striatum (par)
83684 6233
pallidum (pair)
pallidum (par)
diagonal band area (pair)
area diagonalis (par)
62313 5785
preoptic area (pair)
area preoptica (par)
6216 tax
basal nuclei (pair) P4 162 children
nuclei basales (par) ; corpora striata (par)
61833 6217
caudate nucleus (pair)
nucleus caudatus (par)
61852 6218
head of caudate nucleus (pair)
caput nuclei caudati (par)
61853 6219
body of caudate nucleus (pair)
corpus nuclei caudati (par)
61854 6220
tail of caudate nucleus (pair)
cauda nuclei caudati (par)
77615 6221
lentiform nucleus (pair) ; lenticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus lentiformis (par) ; nucleus lenticularis (par)
61834 6222
putamen (pair)
putamen (par)
62469 6223
lateral medullary layer ; external medullary layer
lamina medullaris lateralis ; lamina medullaris externa
61839 6224
lateral segment of globus pallidus (pair); external segment of globus pallidus (pair)
globus pallidus lateralis (par); globus pallidalis externus (par)
62470 6225
medial medullary layer ; internal medullary layer
lamina medullaris medialis ; lamina medullaris interna
61840 6226
medial segment of globus pallidus (pair); internal segment of globus pallidus (pair)
globus pallidus medialis (par); globus pallidalis internus (par)
lateral part (pair)
pars lateralis (par)
62471 6228
accessory medullary layer (pair)
lamina medullaris accessoria (par)
medial part (pair)
pars medialis (par)
grey matter of striatum (pair)
substantia grisea striati (par)
77620 6232
dorsal striatum (pair)
striatum dorsale (par)
grey matter of caudate nucleus (pair)
substantia grisea nuclei caudati (par)
striosome (pair)
striosoma (par)
striatal matrix (pair)
matrix striatalis (par)
caudatolenticular grey bridges (pair) ; transcapsular grey bridges (pair)
pontes grisei caudatolenticulares (par) ; pontes grisei transcapsulares (par)
77614 6205
ventral striatum (pair)
striatum ventrale (par)
fundus of striatum (pair)
fundus striati (par)
61889 6206 tax
nucleus accumbens (pair)
nucleus accumbens (par)
77385 6207 tax
central part (pair) ; core region (pair)
pars centralis (par)
77386 6208 tax
medial part (pair) ; shell region (pair)
pars medialis (par)
61891 6199
olfactory tubercle (pair)
tuberculum olfactorium (par)
olfactory islets (pair) ; terminal islets (pair) ; olfactory islands (pair); terminal islands (pair)
insulae olfactoriae (par) ; insulae terminales (par)
neurons of striatum (pair)
neura striati (par)
9853 tax
projection neurons of striatum (pair); principal neurons of striatum (pair)
neura projectionis striati (par) ; neura principalia striati (par)
8791 tax
middle spinous neurons of striatum (pair) ; medium-sized spiny cells of striatum (pair)
neura spinosa magnitudinis mediae striati (par)
interneurons of striatum (pair)
interneura striati (par)
8794 tax
excitatory interneurons of striatum (pair)
interneura excitatoria striati (par)
8795 tax
cholinergic interneurons of striatum (pair) ; aspiny type II cholinergic interneurons (pair)
interneura cholinergica striati (par)
8797 tax
inhibitory interneurons of striatum (pair)
interneura inhibitoria striati (par)
8799 tax
GABAergic interneurons of striatum (pair) ; aspiny type I GABAergic interneurons (pair)
interneura GABAergica striati (par)
grey matter of pallidum (pair)
substantia grisea pallidi (par)
77619 6234
dorsal pallidum (pair) ; globus pallidus (pair)
pallidum dorsale (par) ; globus pallidalis (par)
ventral pallidum (pair)
pallidum ventrale (par)
neurons of globus pallidus (pair)
neura globi pallidi (par)
projection neurons of globus pallidus (pair); principal neurons of globus pallidus (pair)
neura projectionis globi pallidi (par) ; neura principalia globi pallidi (par)
large cells of globus pallidus (pair)
neura magna globi pallidi (par)
8805 tax
white matter of basal nuclei (pair)
substantia alba nucleorum basalium (par)
8806 tax
striatal tracts (pair)
tractus striatales (par)
61960 6267 tax
extreme capsule
capsula extrema
61959 6266 tax
external capsule
capsula externa
77637 9509
subcallosal bundle
fasciculus subcallosus
62070 5874 tax
ansa lenticularis
ansa lenticularis
61976 5875
lenticular fasciculus
fasciculus lenticularis
77525 5888
subthalamic fasciculus
fasciculus subthalamicus
62065 5890
thalamic fasciculus
fasciculus thalamicus
8807 tax
striatal pathways (pair)
connexus striatales (par)
8808 tax
striatal afferent pathways (pair)
connexus afferentes striatales (par)
9544 tax
corticostriatal fibres
fibrae corticostriatales
amygdalostriatal fibres
fibrae amygdalostriatales
thalamostriatal fibres
fibrae thalamostriatales
8485 tax
nigrostriatal fibres
fibrae nigrostriatales
8809 tax
striatal efferent pathways (pair)
connexus efferentes striatales (par)
striatopallidal fibres
fibrae striatopallidales
striatonigral fibres
fibrae striatonigrales
8810 tax
pallidal pathways (pair)
connexus pallidales (par)
8811 tax
afferent pallidal pathways (pair)
connexus pallidales afferentes (par)
striatopallidal fibres
fibrae striatopallidales
subthalamopallidal fibres
fibrae subthalamopallidales
8812 tax
efferent pallidal pathways (pair) ; pallidofugal fibres (pair) ▲
connexus pallidales efferentes (par) ; fibrae pallidofugales (par)
pallidosubthalamic fibres
fibrae pallidosubthalamicae
pallidothalamic fibres
fibrae pallidothalamicae
pallidohabenular fibres
fibrae pallidohabenulares
pallidonigral fibres
fibrae pallidonigrales
pallidotegmental fibres
fibrae pallidotegmentales
77700 6167
pars basalis telencephali proprii (par); prosencephalon basale (par)
61887 6183 tax
basal substance (pair)
substantia basalis (par)
61887 6184 tax
basal nucleus (pair)
nucleus basalis (par)
61884 6185 tax
bed nucleus of stria terminalis (pair)
nucleus striae terminalis (par)
lateral subdivision of bed nucleus of stria terminalis (pair)
divisio lateralis nuclei striae terminalis (par)
medial subdivision of bed nucleus of stria terminalis (pair)
divisio medialis nuclei striae terminalis (par)
cholinergic cells of basal substance (pair)
cellulae cholinergicae substantiae basalis (par)
cholinergic cells of medial septal nucleus (pair) ; cholinergic cells Ch1 (pair)
cellulae cholinergicae nuclei septalis medialis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch1 (par)
cholinergic cells of vertical limb of diagonal band (pair) ; cholinergic cells Ch2 (pair)
cellulae cholinergicae cruris verticalis striae diagonalis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch2 (par)
cholinergic cells of horizontal limb of diagonal band (pair) ; cholinergic cells Ch3 (pair)
cellulae cholinergicae cruris horizontalis striae diagonalis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch3 (par)
cholinergic cells of basal nucleus (pair) ; cholinergic cells Ch4 (pair)
cellulae cholinergicae nuclei basalis (par) ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch4 (par)
61884 6185 tax
bed nucleus of stria terminalis
nucleus striae terminalis
77609 6186
sublenticular extended amygdala
pars sublenticularis amygdalae
61973 6188
diagonal band (pair)
stria diagonalis (par)
77611 6189
horizontal limb of diagonal band (pair)
crus horizontale striae diagonalis (par)
77612 6190
vertical limb of diagonal band (pair)
crus verticale striae diagonalis (par)
61882 6191 tax
nucleus of diagonal band (pair)
nucleus striae diagonalis (par)
61885 6192 tax
innominate substance (pair)
substantia innominata (par)
6209 tax
septal nuclei (pair)
nuclei septales (par)
61877 6210
dorsal septal nucleus (pair)
nucleus septalis dorsalis (par)
61878 6211
lateral septal nucleus (pair)
nucleus septalis lateralis (par)
61879 6212
medial septal nucleus (pair)
nucleus septalis medialis (par)
77547 6101
precommissural septal nucleus (pair)
nucleus septalis precommissuralis (par)
61881 6213
septofimbriated nucleus (pair)
nucleus septofimbriatus (par)
61880 6214
triangular septal nucleus (pair)
nucleus septalis triangularis (par)
8623 tax
nuclei of preoptic area (pair)
nuclei areae preopticae (par)
62326 5915 tax
lateral preoptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus preopticus lateralis (par)
67890 5916 tax
medial preoptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus preopticus medialis (par)
62323 5917 tax
median preoptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus preopticus medianus (par)
62324 5919 tax
periventricular preoptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus preopticus periventricularis (par)
8624 tax
ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus preopticus ventrolateralis (par)
5914 tax
interstitial (pair)
nuclei interstitiales (par)
8625 tax
sexual dimorphic nucleus (pair)
nucleus dimorphus sexualis (par)
dopaminergic cells of preoptic area (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A15 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae areae preopticae (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A15 (par)
62008 5779 tax
hypothalamus P3 150 children
morphologia externa hypothalami
74877 5780 tax
mammillary body (pair)
corpus mammillare (par)
74628 3540 tax
neurohypophysis ; posterior lobe of hypophysis
neurohypophysis ; lobus posterior hypophysis
74635 3541 tax
infundibulum of neurohypophysis
infundibulum neurohypophysis
74636 3542 tax
nervous part of neurohypophysis ; nervous lobe of neurohypophysis
pars nervosa neurohypophysis ; lobus nervosus neurohypophysis
62045 5781 tax
optic chiasm
chiasma opticum
62046 5782 tax
optic tract
tractus opticus
62327 5786
tuber cinereum
tuber cinereum
internal morphology of hypothalamus
morphologia interna hypothalami
83915 9035
substantia grisea hypothalami
62027 5911
anterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; chiasmatic hypothalamic area (pair)
area hypothalamica anterior (par) ; area hypothalamica chiasmatica (par)
62319 5912 tax
anterior hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus anterior hypothalami (par)
5913 tax
anterior periventricular nucleus (pair)
nucleus periventricularis anterior (par)
62320 5918 tax
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (pair)
nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami (par)
67883 5920 tax
suprachiasmatic nucleus (pair)
nucleus suprachiasmaticus (par)
62317 5921 tax
supraoptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus supraopticus (par)
76770 5922
dorsolateral part (pair)
pars dorsolateralis (par)
76771 5923
dorsomedial part (pair)
pars dorsomedialis (par)
76772 5924
ventromedial part (pair)
pars ventromedialis (par)
anterior part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
pars anterior areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
dopaminergic cells of anterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A14 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae areae hypothalamicae anterioris (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A14 (par)
62028 5929
intermediate hypothalamic area (pair); chiasmatic hypothalamic area (pair)
area hypothalamica intermedia (par) ; area hypothalamica chiasmatica (par)
62331 5931 tax
dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami (par)
62329 5932 tax
arcuate nucleus (pair) ; infundibular nucleus (pair)
nucleus arcuatus (par) ; nucleus infundibularis (par)
dopaminergic cells of arcuate nucleus (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A12 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae nuclei arcuati (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A12 (par)
62349 5934 tax
posterior periventricular nucleus (pair)
nucleus periventricularis posterior (par)
62330 5935
retrochiasmatic area (pair)
area retrochiasmatica (par)
lateral tuberous nuclei (pair)
nuclei tuberales laterales (par)
62332 5937 tax
ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami (par)
77688 5940 tax
perifornical nucleus (pair)
nucleus perifornicalis (par)
tuberous part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
pars tuberalis areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
62029 5942
posterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; hypothalamic area of mammillary body (pair)
area hypothalamica posterior (par) ; area hypothalamica corporis mammillaris (par) ; area hypothalamica mamillaria (par)
posterior part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
pars posterior areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
77006 5943 tax
dorsal premammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus premammillaris dorsalis (par)
77007 5947 tax
ventral premammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus premammillaris ventralis (par)
62335 5941 tax
tuberomammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus tuberomammillaris (par)
62341 5944 tax
lateral mammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus mammillaris lateralis (par)
62342 5945 tax
medial mammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus mammillaris medialis (par)
62347 5946 tax
supramammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus supramammillaris (par)
62350 5948 tax
posterior hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus posterior hypothalami (par)
hypothalamic zones (pair)
zonae hypothalamicae (par)
77682 5951
periventricular zone (pair)
zona periventricularis (par)
77683 5952
medial zone (pair)
zona medialis (par)
77684 5953
lateral zone (pair)
zona lateralis (par)
83933 5954 tax
substantia alba hypothalami
intrinsic tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus intrinsici hypothalami (par)
periventricular fibres of hypothalamus
fibrae periventriculares hypothalami
commissural tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus commissurales hypothalami (par)
supraoptic commissures
commissurae supraopticae
62051 5956
dorsal supraoptic commissure
commissura supraoptica dorsalis
62052 5968
ventral supraoptic commissure
commissura supraoptica ventralis
long tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus longi hypothalami (par)
afferent tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus afferentes hypothalami (par)
posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
61974 6111
stria terminalis
stria terminalis
ventral amygdalofugal bundle
fasciculus amygdalofugiens ventralis
61965 6091
62061 8040
mammillary peduncle
pedunculus mammillaris
77010 5969 tax
retinohypothalamic tract
tractus retinohypothalamicus
5330 tax
spinohypothalamic fibres
fibrae spinohypothalamicae
efferent tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus efferentes hypothalami (par)
principal mammillary fasciculus
fasciculus mammillaris principalis
mammillothalamic fasciculus ; mamillothalamic tract ▲
fasciculus mammillothalamicus
mammillotegmental fasciculus
fasciculus mammillotegmentalis
descending medial fasciculus of prosencephalon ; descending medial forebrain bundle
fasciculus prosencephali medialis descendens
hypothalamocortical fibres
fibrae hypothalamocorticales
77008 5959
hypothalamohypophysial tracts
tractus hypothalamohypophysiales
77009 8656
paraventriculohypophysial tract
tractus paraventriculohypophysialis
supraopticohypophysial tract
tractus supraopticohypophysialis
77482 8415 tax
hypothalamospinal tract
tractus hypothalamospinalis
62001 5263 tax
diencephalon P3 405 children
morphologia externa diencephali
62010 5775
prethalamus (pair)
prethalamus (par)
prethalamic eminence (pair)
eminentia prethalamica (par)
62080 5774
stria medullaris of prethalamus; stria medullaris of thalamus
stria medullaris prethalami ; stria medullaris thalami
62007 5769 tax
thalamus (pair)
thalamus (par)
74867 5770
anterior thalamic tubercle (pair)
tuberculum anterius thalami (par)
62178 5772 tax
pulvinar (pair)
pulvinar (par)
62023 5776 tax
metathalamus (pair)
metathalamus (par)
62209 5777 tax
lateral geniculate body
corpus geniculatum laterale
62211 5778 tax
medial geniculate body
corpus geniculatum mediale
62026 13592 tax
reticular formation of thalamus
formatio reticularis thalami
62009 5765 tax
62032 5766
habenula (pair)
habenula (par)
62048 5792
habenular commissure
commissura habenulae
78466 5767 tax
groove of habenula (pair)
sulcus habenulae (par) ; sulcus habenularis (par)
74868 5768
habenular trigone (pair)
trigonum habenulare (par)
62033 3543 tax
pineal gland ; pineal body
glandula pinealis ; corpus pineale
62072 5794
posterior commissure
commissura posterior
internal morphology of diencephalon
morphologia interna diencephali
83917 9033
substantia grisea prethalami
62026 5849 tax
reticular nucleus of prethalamus (pair) ; reticular nucleus of thalamus (pair)
nucleus reticularis prethalami (par) ; nucleus reticularis thalami (par)
62215 5904 tax
ventral lateral geniculate nucleus (pair); pregeniculate nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventralis corporis geniculati lateralis (par) ; nucleus pregeniculatus (par)
5894 tax
ERR1 (pair)
ERR1 (par)
62037 5895 tax
nucleus of medial field (pair) ; H field (pair)
nucleus campi medialis (par)
77526 5896 tax
nucleus of dorsal field (pair) ; H1 field (pair)
nucleus campi dorsalis (par)
nucleus of ventral field (pair) ; H2 field (pair)
nucleus campi ventralis (par)
62038 5898 tax
zona incerta (pair)
zona incerta (par)
dopaminergic cells of zona incerta (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A13 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae zonae incertae (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A13 (par)
83914 5813 tax
substantia grisea thalami (par)
5814 tax
anterior nuclei of thalamus (pair) ; anterior region of thalamus (pair)
nuclei anteriores thalami (par) ; regio anterior thalami (par)
62141 5815 tax
anterodorsal nucleus (pair)
nucleus anterodorsalis (par)
62142 5816 tax
anteromedial nucleus (pair)
nucleus anteromedialis (par)
62143 5817 tax
anteroventral nucleus (pair)
nucleus anteroventralis (par)
62176 5819 tax
dorsal superficial nucleus (pair); laterodorsal nucleus (pair); lateral dorsal nucleus (pair)
nucleus dorsalis lateralis (par)
5832 tax
medial nuclei of thalamus (pair) ; medial region of thalamus (pair)
nuclei mediales thalami (par) ; regio medialis thalami (par)
62156 5833 tax
mediodorsal nucleus (pair)
nucleus mediodorsalis (par)
62162 5834
parvocellular nucleus (pair); lateral nucleus (pair)
pars parvocellularis (par) ; nucleus lateralis (par)
62161 5835
magnocellular nucleus (pair); medial nucleus (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par) ; nucleus medialis (par)
62160 5836
paralaminar part (pair)
pars paralaminaris (par)
5826 tax
intralaminar nuclei of thalamus (pair)
nuclei intralaminares thalami (par)
8628 tax
anterior intralaminar nuclei (pair)
nuclei intralaminares anteriores (par)
62171 5828 tax
central medial nucleus (pair)
nucleus centralis medialis (par)
62172 5830 tax
paracentral nucleus (pair)
nucleus paracentralis (par)
62170 5827 tax
central lateral nucleus (pair)
nucleus centralis lateralis (par)
cucullar nucleus (pair)
nucleus cucullaris (par)
8629 tax
central intralaminar nuclei (pair)
nuclei intralaminares centrales (par)
62165 5829 tax
centromedian nucleus (pair)
nucleus centromedianus (par)
62166 5831 tax
parafascicular nucleus (pair)
nucleus parafascicularis (par)
8630 tax
subparafascicular nucleus (pair)
nucleus subparafascicularis (par)
8631 tax
posterior intralaminar nuclei (pair)
nuclei intralaminares posteriores (par)
62220 5846 tax
limitans nucleus (pair)
nucleus limitans (par)
62222 5848 tax
suprageniculate nucleus (pair)
nucleus suprageniculatus (par)
5850 tax
lateral nuclei of thalamus (pair) ; ventral region of thalamus (pair)
nuclei laterales thalami (par) ; regio ventralis thalami (par)
62184 5863 tax
ventral anterior nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventralis anterior (par)
magnocellular division (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par)
principal division (pair)
pars principalis (par)
5860 tax
lateral ventral nuclei (pair) ; ventral lateral complexes (pair)
nuclei ventrales laterales (par)
5861 tax
anterior ventrolateral nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventrolateralis anterior (par)
5862 tax
posterior ventrolateral nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventrolateralis posterior (par)
5855 tax
medial ventral nuclei (pair) ; ventral medial complexes (pair)
nuclei ventrales mediales (par)
5856 tax
basal ventromedial nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventromedialis basalis (par)
5857 tax
principal ventromedial nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventromedialis principalis (par)
5858 tax
submedial nucleus (pair)
nucleus submedialis (par)
8632 tax
posterior ventromedial nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventromedialis posterior (par)
5851 tax
ventrobasal nuclei (pair) ; ventroposterior complexes (pair); ventrobasal complexes (pair)
nuclei ventrobasales (par)
84350 5852 tax
ventral posterolateral nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventralis posterolateralis (par)
anterior part (pair)
pars anterior (par)
posterior part (pair)
pars posterior (par)
62202 5853 tax
ventral posteromedial nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventralis posteromedialis (par)
62207 5854
parvocellular part (pair)
pars parvocellularis (par)
62199 5859 tax
ventral posteroinferior nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventralis posteroinferior (par)
5838 tax
periventricular nuclei of thalamus (pair) ; midline nuclei (pair)
nuclei periventriculares thalami (par)
62151 5839 tax
parataenial nucleus (pair)
nucleus parataenialis (par)
62152 5840 tax
paraventricular nucleus of thalamus (pair)
nucleus paraventricularis thalami (par)
62153 5843 tax
medioventral nucleus (pair) ; reuniens nucleus (pair)
nucleus medioventralis (par) ; nucleus reuniens (par)
5845 tax
posterior nuclei of thalamus (pair) ; posterior region of thalamus (pair)
nuclei posteriores thalami (par) ; regio posterior thalami (par)
62177 5820 tax
lateral posterior nucleus (pair)
nucleus lateralis posterior (par)
5821 tax
pulvinar nuclei (pair)
nuclei pulvinares (par)
62180 5822
anterior pulvinar nucleus (pair)
nucleus pulvinaris anterior (par)
62183 5823
inferior pulvinar nucleus (pair)
nucleus pulvinaris inferior (par)
62181 5824
lateral pulvinar nucleus (pair)
nucleus pulvinaris lateralis (par)
62182 5825
medial pulvinar nucleus (pair)
nucleus pulvinaris medialis (par)
geniculate bodies (pair) ; geniculate nuclei (pair) ; ERR1
corpora geniculata (par) ; nuclei geniculati (par) ; ERR1
62209 5777 tax
lateral geniculate body (pair)
corpus geniculatum laterale (par)
62214 5900 tax
dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (pair)
nucleus dorsalis corporis geniculati lateralis (par)
76988 5901
koniocellular layers (pair)
strata koniocellularia (par)
magnocellular layers (pair)
strata magnocellularia (par)
parvocellular layers (pair)
strata parvocellularia (par)
62211 5778 tax
medial geniculate body (pair)
corpus geniculatum mediale (par)
5906 tax
nuclei of medial geniculate body (pair)
nuclei corporis geniculati medialis (par)
62217 5907 tax
ventral principal nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventralis (par)
62216 5908 tax
dorsal nucleus (pair)
nucleus dorsalis (par)
62218 5909 tax
medial magnocellular nucleus (pair)
nucleus magnocellularis medialis (par)
83932 5870 tax
substantia alba thalami (par)
central roots of thalamus (pair)
radices centrales thalami (par)
62046 5782 tax
optic tract
tractus opticus
intrinsic tracts of thalamus (pair)
tractus intrinsici thalami (par)
62469 5871
external medullary lamina
lamina medullaris lateralis
62470 5872
internal medullary lamina
lamina medullaris medialis
intrathalamic fibres
fibrae intrathalamicae
periventricular fibres of thalamus
fibrae periventriculares thalami
long tracts of thalamus (pair)
tractus longi thalami (par)
ascending spinal tracts (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
77766 12531 tax
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
caudal rhombencephalic parts
partes rhombencephalica caudales
cervicothalamic tract
tractus cervicothalamicus
ascending brain stem tracts (pair)
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
5298 tax
rostral rhombencephalic part of medial lemniscus
pars rhombencephalica rostralis lemnisci medialis
83852 8426
trigeminothalamic tracts
tractus trigeminothalamici
lateral trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis
anterior trigeminothalamic tract ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract ; trigeminal lemniscus
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis ; lemniscus trigeminalis
72500 5463
posterior trigeminothalamic tract ; dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis
vestibulothalamic tract
tractus vestibulothalamicus
71114 5583
brachium of inferior colliculus
brachium colliculi inferioris
72417 5584
brachium of superior colliculus
brachium colliculi superioris
72495 5760 tax
superior cerebellar peduncle
pedunculus cerebellaris superior
efferent telencephalic tracts (pair)
tractus efferentes telencephali (par)
8525 tax
corticothalamic fibres
fibrae corticothalamicae
62070 5874 tax
ansa lenticularis
ansa lenticularis
61976 5875
lenticular fasciculus
fasciculus lenticularis
62065 5890
thalamic fasciculus
fasciculus thalamicus
mammillothalamic fasciculus ; mamillothalamic tract ▲
fasciculus mammillothalamicus
efferent tracts of thalamus (pair) ; thalamic radiations (pair)
tractus efferentes thalami (par) ; radiationes thalamicae (par)
76976 5877
anterior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica anterior ; radiatio anterior thalami
thalamofrontal fibres
fibrae thalamofrontales
76978 5878
central thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica centralis ; radiatio centralis thalami
thalamoparietal fibres
fibrae thalamoparietales
76980 5879
inferior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica inferior ; radiatio inferior thalami
thalamotemporal fibres
fibrae thalamotemporales
62071 7618
ansa peduncularis
ansa peduncularis
acoustic radiation
radiatio acustica
76982 5886
posterior thalamic radiation
radiatio thalamica posterior ; radiatio posterior thalami
61941 5884
optic radiation
radiatio optica
anterior bundle
fasciculus anterior
central bundle
fasciculus centralis
dorsal bundle
fasciculus dorsalis
9184 tax
substantia grisea epithalami
62372 5803 tax
lateral habenular nucleus (pair)
nucleus habenularis lateralis (par)
62373 5804 tax
medial habenular nucleus (pair)
nucleus habenularis medialis (par)
cholinergic cells of epithalamus ; cholinergic cells Ch7
cellulae cholinergicae epithalami ; cellulae cholinergicae Ch7
substantia alba epithalami
commissural tracts of epithalamus
tractus commissurales epithalami
62048 5792
habenular commissure
commissura habenulae
long tracts of epithalamus
tractus longi epithalami
epithalamic efferent tracts
tractus efferentes epithalami
72400 5802 tax
habenulointerpeduncular tract ; fasciculus retroflexus
tractus habenulointerpeduncularis ; fasciculus retroflexus
substantia grisea pretecti
62402 5805 tax
prehidden area (pair)
area pretecta (par)
272352 5806 tax
prehidden nuclei (pair)
nuclei pretecti (par)
anterior prehidden nucleus (pair)
nucleus pretectus anterior (par)
72403 5808
nucleus of optic tract (pair)
nucleus tractus optici (par)
72405 5809
olivary prehidden nucleus (pair)
nucleus pretectus olivaris (par)
84355 5810
posterior prehidden nucleus (pair)
nucleus pretectus posterior (par)
68463 8641 tax
nucleus of posterior commissure (pair)
nucleus commissurae posterioris (par)
8642 tax
principal part (pair)
pars principalis (par)
8643 tax
magnocellular part (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par)
256154 5638 tax
accessory nuclei of optic tract (pair)
nuclei accessorii tractus optici (par)
77651 5639
posterior accessory nucleus of optic tract (pair) ; dorsal accessory nucleus of optic tract (pair)
nucleus accessorius posterior tractus optici (par) ; nucleus accessorius dorsalis tractus optici (par)
77652 5640
lateral accessory nucleus of optic tract (pair)
nucleus accessorius lateralis tractus optici (par)
77653 5641
medial accessory nucleus of optic tract (pair)
nucleus accessorius medialis tractus optici (par)
substantia alba pretecti
commissural tracts of pretectum (pair)
tractus commissurales pretecti (par)
62072 5794
posterior commissure
commissura posterior
long tracts of pretectum (pair)
tractus longi pretecti (par)
descending tracts of pretectum (pair)
tractus descendentes pretecti (par)
8490 tax
medial tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis medialis
75216 8491 tax
pretectoolivary tract
tractus pretectoolivaris
tegmentum prerubrum ; tegmentum diencephali
8650 tax
grey matter of prered tegmentum of diencephalon
substantia grisea tegmenti prerubri
8144 tax
interstitial nucleus (pair)
nucleus interstitialis (par)
8147 tax
rostral interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus of telencephalon (pair)
nucleus interstitialis rostralis fasciculi longitudinalis medialis (par)
8150 tax
elliptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus ellipticus (par)
62035 5893 tax
subthalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus subthalamicus (par)
white matter of prered tegmentum of diencephalon ; white substance of prered tegmentum of diencephalon
substantia alba tegmenti prerubri
long tracts of prered tegmentum of diencephalon
tractus longi tegmenti prerubri diencephali
prered efferent tracts
tractus efferentes prerubri
8490 tax
medial tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis medialis
75219 8492 tax
prerubroolivary tract
tractus prerubroolivaris
83846 8495 tax
descending medial longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis descendens
77031 8494 tax
interstitiospinal tract
tractus interstitiospinalis
79876 5265
brain stem
truncus encephali
61993 5261 tax
mesencephalon ; midbrain P3 352 children
morphologia externa mesencephali
77488 5582
quadrigeminal plate (pair); tectal plate (pair)
lamina quadrigeminalis (par) ; lamina tecti mesencephali (par)
62403 5586
superior colliculus (pair)
colliculus superior (par)
62404 5585
inferior colliculus (pair)
colliculus inferior (par)
84359 5579
trigone of lateral lemniscus (pair)
trigonum lemnisci lateralis (par)
77801 5577
lateral groove of mesencephalon (pair)
sulcus lateralis mesencephali (par)
62394 5575
cerebral peduncle (pair) ; cerebral leg (pair)
pedunculus cerebri (par) ; crus cerebrale (par)
83792 5574 tax
oculomotor sulcus (pair)
sulcus nervi oculomotorii (par)
83740 5572
interpeduncular fossa
fossa interpeduncularis
77523 5573
posterior perforated substance
substantia perforata posterior
internal morphology of mesencephalon
morphologia interna mesencephali
83902 5669 tax
tectum of mesencephalon
tectum mesencephali
9048 tax
substantia grisea tecti mesencephali
8067 tax
layers of superior colliculus (pair)
laminae colliculi superioris (par)
72406 5674
zonal layer (pair) ; layer I of superior colliculus (pair)
stratum zonale (par) ; lamina I colliculi superioris (par)
72407 5675
superficial grey layer (pair) ; layer II of superior colliculus (pair)
stratum griseum superficiale (par) ; lamina II colliculi superioris (par)
71112 5676
optic layer (pair) ; layer III of superior colliculus (pair)
stratum opticum (par) ; lamina III colliculi superioris (par)
72409 5677
intermediate grey layer (pair) ; layer IV of superior colliculus (pair)
stratum griseum intermedium (par) ; lamina IV colliculi superioris (par)
71113 5678
intermediate medullary layer (pair) ; layer V of superior colliculus (pair)
stratum medullare intermedium (par) ; lamina V colliculi superioris (par)
72410 5679
deep grey layer (pair) ; layer VI of superior colliculus (pair)
stratum griseum profundum (par) ; lamina VI colliculi superioris (par)
72416 5680
deep medullary layer (pair) ; layer VII of superior colliculus (pair)
stratum medullare profundum (par) ; lamina VII colliculi superioris (par)
272347 5670 tax
nuclei of inferior colliculus (pair)
nuclei colliculi inferioris (par)
72413 5671 tax
central nucleus (pair)
nucleus centralis (par)
72412 5672 tax
external nucleus (pair) ; external cortex of inferior colliculus (pair)
nucleus externus (par) ; cortex externus colliculi inferioris (par)
72411 5673 tax
pericentral nucleus (pair) ; dorsal cortex of inferior colliculus (pair)
nucleus pericentralis (par) ; cortex dorsalis colliculi inferioris (par)
layer I of dorsal cortex (pair)
stratum I corticis dorsalis (par)
layer II of dorsal cortex (pair)
stratum II corticis dorsalis (par)
layer III of dorsal cortex (pair)
stratum III corticis dorsalis (par)
layer IV of dorsal cortex (pair)
stratum IV corticis dorsalis (par)
9046 tax
substantia alba tecti mesencephali
commissural tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
tractus commissurales tecti mesencephali (par)
71115 5681
commissure of inferior colliculus
commissura colliculi inferioris
72418 5682
commissure of superior colliculus
commissura colliculi superioris
long tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
tractus longi tecti mesencephali (par)
ascending tracts of spinal cord (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
77766 12531 tax
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
5328 tax
spinohidden fibres
fibrae spinotectae
ascending tracts of brain stem (pair)
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
72417 5584
brachium of superior colliculus
brachium colliculi superioris
71114 5583
brachium of inferior colliculus
brachium colliculi inferioris
72502 5468
lateral lemniscus
lemniscus lateralis
descending tracts of tectum of mesencephalon (pair)
tractus descendentes tecti mesencephali (par)
72645 8479 tax
tectobulbar tract
tractus tectobulbaris
dorsal tegmental decussation ; posterior tegmental decussation
decussatio tegmentalis dorsalis ; decussatio tegmentalis posterior
72620 8480 tax
tectospinal tract
tractus tectospinalis
structurae centrales mesencephali
grey matter of central structures of mesencephalon; grey substance of central structures of mesencephalon ▲
substantia grisea structurarum centralium mesencephali
83134 5645
periaqueductal grey matter ; central grey matter
substantia grisea periaqueductalis ; substantia grisea centralis
dopaminergic cell of periaqueductal grey matters (pair); ERR1 (pair)
ERR1 (par) ; ERR1 (par)
white matter of central structures of mesencephalon; white substance of central structures of mesencephalon
substantia alba structurarum centralium mesencephali
long tract of central structures of mesencephalons (pair)
tractus longi structurarum centralium mesencephali (par)
ascending tracts of spinal cord (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
77766 12531 tax
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
5329 tax
spinoperiaqueductal fibres
fibrae spinoperiaqueductales
descending tract of central structures of mesencephalons (pair)
tractus descendentes structurarum centralium mesencephali (par)
posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
62393 5578 tax
tegmentum of mesencephalon
tegmentum mesencephali
83913 5625 tax
substantia grisea tegmenti mesencephali
8564 tax
somatosensory nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei somatosensorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
54568 5494 tax
mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve (pair)
nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminalis (par)
8565 tax
intercollicular nucleus (pair)
nucleus intercollicularis (par)
8566 tax
visual nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei visuales tegmenti mesencephali (par)
8567 tax
lateral terminal nucleus (pair)
nucleus terminalis lateralis (par)
9055 tax
acoustic nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair) ; auditory nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei acustici tegmenti mesencephali (par) ; nuclei auditorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
9056 tax
nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus (pair)
nucleus brachii colliculi inferioris (par)
77492 5652 tax
sagulum nucleus (pair)
nucleus saguli (par)
77494 5653 tax
subbrachial nucleus (pair)
nucleus subbrachialis (par)
8561 tax
somatomotor nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei somatomotorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
54510 5626 tax
oculomotor nucleus (pair) ; nucleus of oculomotor nerve (pair)
nucleus oculomotorius (par)
8562 tax
central caudal nucleus (pair)
nucleus caudalis centralis (par)
8563 tax
interoculomotor nucleus (pair)
nucleus interoculomotorius (par)
8568 tax
visceromotor nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei visceromotorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
5627 tax
accessory nuclei of oculomotor nerve (pair)
nuclei accessorii nervi oculomotorii (par)
8569 tax
preganglionary part (pair)
pars preganglionaris (par)
8570 tax
nonganglionary part (pair)
pars nonganglionaris (par)
54524 5629 tax
anterior medial nucleus (pair)
nucleus anteromedialis (par)
5684 tax
reticular nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon
nuclei reticulares tegmenti mesencephali
62402 5651
mesencephalic reticular formation (pair)
formatio reticularis mesencephali (par)
intracuneiform nucleus (pair)
nucleus intracuneiformis (par)
72427 5658
cuneiform nucleus (pair)
nucleus cuneiformis (par)
mesencephalic locomotor region (pair)
regio locomotoria mesencephalica (par)
15263 tax
neuromodulator nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei neuromodulatorii tegmenti mesencephali (par)
5663 tax
raphe nuclei of mesencephalon (pair); serotonergic cells (pair)
nuclei raphes mesencephali (par) ; cellulae serotonergicae (par)
77502 5664
linear raphe nucleus (pair); serotonergic cells B8 (pair)
nucleus raphes linearis (par) ; cellula serotonergica B8 (par)
68462 5545 tax
dorsal raphe nucleus; serotonergic cells B7
nucleus raphes dorsalis ; cellulae serotonergicae B7
7445 tax
dopaminergic (pair)
nuclei dopaminergici (par)
dopaminergic cells of ventral tegmental area (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A10 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae areae tegmentalis ventralis (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A10 (par)
dopaminergic cells of compact part of substantia nigra (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A9 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae partis compactae substantiae nigrae (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A9 (par)
retrored dopaminergic cells (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A8 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae retrorubrae (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A8 (par)
67947 5597
substantia nigra (pair)
substantia nigra (par)
62907 5598
compact part of substantia nigra (pair)
pars compacta substantiae nigrae (par)
dorsal part of substantia nigra (pair) ; posterior part of substantia nigra (pair) ; dorsal tier of substantia nigra (pair)
pars dorsalis substantiae nigrae (par) ; pars posterior substantiae nigrae (par)
dorsolateral subnucleus (pair) ; posterolateral subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus dorsolateralis (par) ; subnucleus posterolateralis (par)
dorsomedial subnucleus (pair) ; posteromedial subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus dorsomedialis (par) ; subnucleus posteromedialis (par)
ventral part of substantia nigra (pair) ; anterior part of substantia nigra (pair) ; ventral tier of substantia nigra (pair)
pars ventralis substantiae nigrae (par) ; pars anterior substantiae nigrae (par)
ventrolateral subnucleus (pair) ; anterolateral subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus ventrolateralis (par) ; subnucleus anterolateralis (par)
ventrointermediate subnucleus (pair) ; anterointermediate subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus ventrointermedius (par) ; subnucleus anterointermedius (par)
ventromedial subnucleus (pair) ; anteromedial subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus ventromedialis (par) ; subnucleus anteromedialis (par)
76844 5599
lateral part of substantia nigra (pair)
pars lateralis substantiae nigrae (par)
medial part of substantia nigra (pair)
pars medialis substantiae nigrae (par)
62908 5600
reticular part of substantia nigra (pair)
pars reticulata substantiae nigrae (par)
ventral tegmental area (pair) ; anterior tegmental area (pair)
area tegmentalis ventralis (par) ; area tegmentalis anterior (par)
5654 tax
ventral tegmental nuclei of mesencephalon (pair) ; anterior tegmental nuclei of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei tegmentales ventrales mesencephali (par) ; nuclei tegmentales anteriores mesencephali (par)
rostral linear nucleus (pair) ; superior linear nucleus (pair)
nucleus linearis rostralis (par) ; nucleus linearis superior (par)
caudal linear nucleus (pair) ; inferior linear nucleus (pair)
nucleus linearis caudalis (par) ; nucleus linearis inferior (par)
77495 5655
interfascicular nucleus (pair)
nucleus interfascicularis (par)
77497 5657
paranigral nucleus (pair)
nucleus paranigralis (par)
77496 5656
pigmented parabrachial nucleus (pair)
nucleus parabrachialis pigmentosus (par)
84341 5685
parapeduncular nucleus (pair)
nucleus parapeduncularis (par)
8589 tax
limbic nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei limbici tegmenti mesencephali (par)
72437 5646 tax
peripeduncular nucleus (pair)
nucleus peripeduncularis (par)
8590 tax
precerebellar nuclei of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
nuclei precerebellares tegmenti mesencephali (par)
62407 5647 tax
red nucleus (pair)
nucleus ruber (par)
72431 5648 tax
magnocellular part (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par)
72430 5649 tax
parvocellular part (pair)
pars parvocellularis (par)
77493 5650 tax
posteromedial part (pair) ; dorsomedial part (pair)
pars posteromedialis (par) ; pars dorsomedialis (par)
83937 5602
substantia alba tegmenti mesencephali
central roots of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
radices centrales tegmenti mesencephali (par)
72489 5464
mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve
tractus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminalis
long tracts of tegmentum of mesencephalon (pair)
tractus longi tegmenti mesencephali (par)
ascending tracts of spinal cord (pair)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
77766 12531 tax
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
5327 tax
spinomesencephalic fibres
fibrae spinomesencephalicae
spinointercollicular fibres
fibrae spinointercolliculares
ascending tracts of brain stem (pair)
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
8485 tax
nigrostriatal fibres
fibrae nigrostriatales
72502 5468
lateral lemniscus
lemniscus lateralis
vestibulomesencephalic tracts
tractus vestibulomesencephalici
medial vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus medialis
lateral vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus lateralis
ventral vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus ventralis
vestibulothalamic tract
tractus vestibulothalamicus
83852 8426
trigeminothalamic tracts
tractus trigeminothalamici
lateral trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis
72500 5463
posterior trigeminothalamic tract ; dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis
anterior trigeminothalamic tract ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract ; trigeminal lemniscus
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis ; lemniscus trigeminalis
efferent tracts of cerebellum (pair)
tractus efferentes cerebelli (par)
72495 5760 tax
superior cerebellar peduncle
pedunculus cerebellaris superior
afferent tracts of telencephalon (pair)
tractus afferentes telencephali (par)
striatonigral fibres
fibrae striatonigrales
pallidofugal fibres
fibrae pallidofugientes
descending tracts (pair)
tractus descendentes (par)
amygdalotegmental fibres
fibrae amygdalotegmentales
77482 8415 tax
hypothalamospinal tract
tractus hypothalamospinalis
72640 8481 tax
rubrospinal tract
tractus rubrospinalis
72452 5623
decussation of rubrospinal tract; anterior tegmental decussation ; ventral tegmental decussation
decussatio tegmentalis ventralis ; decussatio tegmentalis anterior
medial longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
77031 8494 tax
interstitiospinal tract
tractus interstitiospinalis
8490 tax
medial tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis medialis
75216 8491 tax
pretectoolivary tract
tractus pretectoolivaris
75219 8492 tax
prerubroolivary tract
tractus prerubroolivaris
83850 5476 tax
central tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis centralis
77050 5322 tax
rubroolivary tracts
tractus rubroolivares
substantia alba pedunculi cerebri (par)
72634 8526 tax
pyramidal tract
tractus pyramidalis
5624 tax
corticomesencephalic fibres
fibrae corticomesencephalicae
9196 tax
corticored tract
tractus corticoruber
224856 12543
corticopontine tracts
tractus corticopontini
75223 6243
frontopontine tract
tractus frontopontinus
occipitoparietotemporopontine tract
tractus occipitoparietotemporopontinus
67944 5686 tax
cerebellum P3 332 children
external morphology of cerebellum
morphologia externa cerebelli
76928 5691 tax
76925 5689 tax
cerebellar hemisphere (pair)
hemispherium cerebelli (par)
75267 5690 tax
vallecula of cerebellum
vallecula cerebelli
8267 tax
cerebellomesencephalic fissure
fissura cerebellomesencephalica
8269 tax
cerebellopontine fissure
fissura cerebellopontina
8270 tax
cerebellomedullary fissure
fissura cerebellomedullaris
5687 tax
interlobar fissures of cerebellum
fissurae interlobares cerebelli
83729 5716
primary fissure ; preclival fissure
fissura prima; fissura preclivalis
83730 5739
posterolateral fissure
fissura posterolateralis
76926 5698 tax
body of cerebellum
corpus cerebelli
72251 5699 tax
lobus anterior cerebelli
72255 8272 tax
anterior part of vermis of cerebellum
pars anterior vermis
83884 5700 tax
lingula (pair) ; lobule I (pair)
lingula (par) ; lobulus I (par)
72519 5702 tax
central lobule (pair)
lobulus centralis (par)
278635 5703 tax
lobule II (pair)
lobulus II (par)
278639 5704 tax
lobule III (pair)
lobulus III (par)
83886 5709 tax
culmen (pair)
culmen (par)
76955 5710 tax
lobule IV (pair)
lobulus IV (par)
76954 5712 tax
lobule V (pair)
lobulus V (par)
8281 tax
fissures of anterior lobe of cerebellum (pair)
fissurae lobi anterioris cerebelli (par)
83731 5701 tax
precentral fissure (pair) ; postlingular fissure (pair)
fissura precentralis (par) ; fissura postlingularis (par)
83736 5708 tax
postcentral fissure (pair) ; preculminate fissure (pair)
fissura postcentralis (par) ; fissura preculminalis (par)
83737 5711 tax
intraculminate fissure (pair)
fissura intraculminalis (par)
72254 8339 tax
anterior part of cerebellar hemisphere (pair)
pars anterior hemispherii cerebelli (par)
8993 tax
vincingulum of lingula of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HI (pair)
vincingulum lingulae (par) ; lobulus HI (par)
72517 5705 tax
wing of central lobule of cerebellum (pair)
ala lobuli centralis (par)
278665 5706 tax
lobule HII (pair)
lobulus HII (par)
278672 5707 tax
lobule HIII (pair)
lobulus HIII (par)
72516 5713 tax
anterior quadrangular lobule (pair)
lobulus quadrangularis anterior (par)
278683 5714 tax
lobule HIV (pair)
lobulus HIV (par)
278723 5715 tax
lobule HV (pair)
lobulus HV (par)
72252 5717 tax
lobus posterior cerebelli
72259 9194 tax
posterior part of vermis of cerebellum
pars posterior vermis
83887 5719 tax
declive (pair) ; lobule VI (pair)
declive (par) ; lobulus VI (par)
83889 5722 tax
folium of vermis of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule VIIA (pair)
folium vermis (par) ; lobulus VIIA (par)
83890 5728 tax
tuber (pair) ; lobule VIIB (pair)
tuber (par) ; lobulus VIIB (par)
83888 5731 tax
pyramis (pair) ; lobule VIII (pair)
pyramis (par) ; lobulus VIII (par)
8273 tax
lobule HVIIIA (pair)
lobulus HVIIIA (par)
8274 tax
lobule HVIIIB (pair)
lobulus HVIIIB (par)
83883 5737 tax
uvula (pair) ; lobule IX (pair)
uvula (par) ; lobulus IX (par)
9038 tax
fissures of posterior lobe of cerebellum (pair)
fissurae lobi posterioris cerebelli (par)
83733 5721 tax
superior posterior fissure (pair) ; postclival fissure (pair)
fissura posterior superior (par) ; fissura postclivalis (par)
75135 5725 tax
horizontal fissure (pair) ; intercrural fissure (pair)
fissura horizontalis (par) ; fissura intercruralis (par)
75137 5727 tax
lunogracile fissure (pair) ; ansoparamedian fissure (pair)
fissura lunogracilis (par) ; fissura ansoparamediana (par)
75138 5730 tax
prebiventral fissure (pair) ; prepyramidal fissure (pair)
fissura prebiventralis (par) ; fissura prepyramidalis (par)
75139 5734 tax
intrabiventral fissure (pair)
fissura intrabiventralis (par)
84043 5736 tax
secondary fissure (pair) ; postpyramidal fissure (pair)
fissura secundaria (par) ; fissura postpyramidalis (par)
72256 9195 tax
posterior part of cerebellar hemisphere (pair)
pars posterior hemispherii cerebelli (par)
256399 5720 tax
posterior quadrangular lobule (pair) ; simple lobule (pair) ; lobule HVI (pair)
lobulus quadrangularis posterior (par) ; lobulus simplex (par) ; lobulus HVI (par)
5723 tax
semilunar (pair) ; ansiform (pair) ; lobules HVIIA (pair)
lobuli semilunares (par) ; lobuli ansiformes (par) ; lobuli HVIIA (par)
72524 5724 tax
superior semilunar lobule (pair) ; crus I (pair); lobule HVIIAa (pair)
lobulus semilunaris superior (par) ; crus I (par) ; lobulus HVIIAa (par)
72525 5726 tax
inferior semilunar lobule (pair) ; crus II (pair); lobule HVIIAb (pair)
lobulus semilunaris inferior (par) ; crus II (par) ; lobulus HVIIAb (par)
72523 5729 tax
gracile lobule (pair) ; lobule HVIIB (pair)
lobulus gracilis (par) ; lobulus HVIIB (par)
72526 5732 tax
biventral lobule (pair) ; lobule HVIII (pair)
lobulus biventer (par) ; lobulus HVIII (par)
77202 5733 tax
lateral part of biventral lobule of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HVIIIA (pair)
pars lateralis lobuli biventris (par) ; lobulus HVIIIA (par)
77203 5735 tax
medial part of biventral lobule of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HVIIIB (pair)
pars medialis lobuli biventris (par) ; lobulus HVIIIB (par)
83464 5738 tax
tonsil of cerebellum (pair) ; lobule HIX (pair)
tonsilla cerebelli (par) ; lobulus HIX (par)
9202 tax
accessory paraflocculus (pair)
paraflocculus accessorius (par)
72253 5740 tax
flocculonodular lobe P4 4 children
lobus flocculonodularis
83882 5741 tax
nodule ; lobule X
nodulus ; lobulus X
83881 5743 tax
flocculus (pair) ; lobule HX (pair)
flocculus (par) ; lobulus HX (par)
internal morphology of cerebellum
morphologia interna cerebelli
folia of cerebellum
folia cerebelli
83924 9037 tax
substantia grisea cerebelli
72248 5745 tax
cerebellar cortex
cortex cerebelli
83141 9040 tax
layers of cerebellar cortex
strata corticis cerebelli
83140 5746 tax
granular layer
stratum granulare
glomerulus of cerebellum
glomerulus cerebelli
83896 5747 tax
Purkinje cell layer
stratum purkinjense
83897 5748 tax
molecular layer
stratum moleculare
neurons of cerebellar cortex
neura corticis cerebelli
8230 tax
projection neurons of cerebellar cortex
neura projectionis corticis cerebelli
8233 tax
Purkinje neurons; Purkinje cells
neura purkinjensia
cerebellar interneurons
interneura corticis cerebelli
excitatory interneurons of cerebellar cortex
interneura excitatoria corticis cerebelli
8237 tax
granule neurons; granule cells
neura granularia
# granule neuron; granule cell
# neuron granulare
dendrites of granule neuron of cerebellar cortex
dendrita neuri granularis corticis cerebelli
glomerulus of cerebellum
glomerulus cerebelli
parallel fibres ▲
neurofibrae parallelae
8243 tax
unipolar brush neurons; unipolar brush cells
neura penicillata
inhibitory interneurons of cerebellar cortex
interneura inhibitoria corticis cerebelli
8246 tax
horizontal fusiform neurons ; horizontal fusiform neurons
neura fusiformia horizontalia
8248 tax
large Golgi neurons; large Golgi cells
neura golgiensia magna
# large Golgi neuron; large Golgi cell
# neuron golgiense magnum
axon of large Golgi neuron
axon neuri golgiensis magni
8249 tax
small Golgi neurons; small Golgi cells
neura golgiensia parva
84461 8252 tax
basket neurons; basket cells
neura corbiformia
8254 tax
superficial stellate neurons ; superficial stellate neurons
neura stellata superficialia
8255 tax
deep stellate neurons ; deep stellate neurons
neura stellata profunda
astrocytes of cerebellum
astrocyti cerebelli
radial astrocytes
54559 9735
epithelial astrocytes of cerebellum
astrocyti cerebelli
# epithelial astrocyte of cerebellum
# astrocytus epithelialis cerebelli
radial processes
processus radiales
feathered astrocytes
subdivisions of cerebellum
divisiones cerebelli
72253 5692
72251 5693
72252 5694
sagittal zones of cerebellum (pair)
zonae sagittales cerebelli (par)
medial sagittal (pair)
zonae sagittales mediales (par)
zone A (pair)
zona A (par)
zone X (pair)
zona X (par)
zone B (pair)
zona B (par)
intermediate sagittal (pair)
zonae sagittales intermediae (par)
zone C1 (pair)
zona C1 (par)
zone C2 (pair)
zona C2 (par)
zone C3 (pair)
zona C3 (par)
lateral sagittal (pair)
zonae sagittales laterales (par)
zone Y (pair)
zona Y (par)
zone D1 (pair)
zona D1 (par)
zone D2 (pair)
zona D2 (par)
321695 5749 tax
cerebellar nuclei (pair)
nuclei cerebelli (par)
72260 5750 tax
dentate nucleus (pair) ; lateral cerebellar nucleus (pair)
nucleus dentatus (par) ; nucleus lateralis cerebelli (par)
72548 5751
hilum of dentate nucleus of cerebellum (pair)
hilum nuclei dentati (par)
microgyric part (pair)
pars microgyria (par)
macrogyric part (pair)
pars macrogyria (par)
8261 tax
interposed (pair)
nuclei interpositi (par)
72538 5752 tax
emboliform nucleus (pair) ; anterior interposed nucleus (pair)
nucleus emboliformis (par) ; nucleus interpositus anterior (par)
72536 5753 tax
globose nucleus (pair) ; posterior interposed nucleus (pair)
nucleus globosus (par) ; nucleus interpositus posterior (par)
72537 5754 tax
fastigial nucleus (pair) ; medial cerebellar nucleus (pair)
nucleus fastigii (par)
neurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
neura nuclei cerebelli (par)
8343 tax
projection neurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
neura projectionis nuclei cerebelli (par)
8345 tax
large projection neurons (pair)
neura magna projectionis (par)
8349 tax
small projection neurons (pair); nucleoolivary neurons (pair)
neura projectionis parva (par); neura nucleoolivaria (par)
8351 tax
inhibitory interneurons of cerebellar nucleus (pair)
interneura inhibitoria nuclei cerebelli (par)
8263 tax
glycinergic inhibitory interneurons (pair)
interneura inhibitoria glycinergica (par)
8264 tax
GABAergic inhibitory interneurons (pair)
interneura inhibitoria GABAergica (par)
83943 9191 tax
substantia alba cerebelli
72541 5744 tax
arbor vitae
arbor vitae
256377 5761 tax
medullary body of cerebellum
corpus medullare cerebelli
medullary lamella of cerebellum
lamella medullaris cerebelli
cerebellar cortical afferent fibres ▲
neurofibrae afferentes corticis cerebelli
mossy fibres ▲
fibrae nervosae muscosae
# mossy fibre
# fibra nervosa muscosa
rosettes of mossy fibre of cerebellar cortex
flosculi fibrae nervosae muscosae corticis cerebelli
climbing fibres ▲
neurofibrae ascendentes
multilayered fibres; monoaminergic fibres ▲
neurofibrae multistratificatae ; neuroneurofibrae monoaminergicae
cerebellar cortical efferent fibres ▲
neurofibrae efferentes corticis cerebelli
# cerebellar cortical efferent fibre
# neurofibra efferens corticis cerebelli
axon of Purkinje cell
axon neuri purkinjensis
commissural tracts of origin in cerebellum
tractus commissurales originis cerebelli
77522 5762
cerebellar commissure
commissura cerebelli
long tracts of cerebellum (pair)
tractus longi cerebelli (par)
272298 5755 tax
cerebellar peduncles (pair)
pedunculi cerebellares (par)
72495 5760 tax
superior cerebellar peduncle (pair)
pedunculus cerebellaris superior (par)
brachium conjunctivum (pair)
brachium conjunctivum (par)
ascending branch of brachium conjunctivum (pair)
ramus ascendens brachii conjunctivi (par)
cerebellored tract
tractus cerebelloruber
cerebellothalamic tract
tractus cerebellothalamicus
descending branch of brachium conjunctivum (pair)
ramus descendens brachii conjunctivi (par)
72490 5763
uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum
fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli
8468 tax
fastigiobulbar fibres
fibrae fastigiobulbares
75690 8469 tax
fastigiospinal tract
tractus fastigiospinalis
75691 5221 tax
interpositospinal tract
tractus interpositospinalis
72515 5759 tax
middle cerebellar peduncle (pair)
pedunculus cerebellaris medius (par)
pontocerebellar fibres
fibrae pontocerebellares
72615 5756 tax
inferior cerebellar peduncle (pair)
pedunculus cerebellaris inferior (par)
restiform body (pair)
corpus restiforme (par)
8467 tax
cerebelloolivary fibres ; nucleoolivary fibres
fibrae cerebelloolivares ; fibrae nucleoolivares
73950 5319 tax
posterior spinocerebellar tract ; dorsal spinocerebellar tract
tractus spinocerebellaris posterior ; tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis
5320 tax
cuneocerebellar fibres
fibrae cuneocerebellares
8456 tax
trigeminocerebellar fibres
fibrae trigeminocerebellares
72638 5305 tax
olivocerebellar tract
tractus olivocerebellaris
8457 tax
nucleocerebellar fibres
fibrae nucleocerebellares
8458 tax
raphecerebellar fibres
fibrae raphecerebellares
72613 5758
juxtarestiform body (pair)
corpus juxtarestiforme (par)
8459 tax
vestibulocerebellar fibres
fibrae vestibulocerebellares
8466 tax
cerebellovestibular fibres
fibrae cerebellovestibulares
72543 5742
peduncle of flocculus of flocculonodular lobe of cerebellum (pair)
pedunculus flocculi flocculo (par)
67687 5258 tax
11865 tax
rhombencephalon rostrale
morphologia externa rhombencephali rostralis
isthmus of rhombencephalon
isthmus rhombencephali
72244 5431 tax
pons ; basilar part of pons
pons ; pars basilaris pontis
84358 5427 tax
pontocerebellar angle (pair)
angulus pontocerebellaris (par)
83794 5425 tax
basilar groove
sulcus basilaris
83793 5424 tax
medullopontine sulcus (pair)
sulcus bulbopontinus (par)
internal morphology of rostral rhombencephalon
morphologia interna rhombencephali rostralis
grey matter of rostral rhombencephalon
substantia grisea rhombencephali rostralis
8392 tax
nuclei somatosensorii rhombencephali rostralis (par)
54568 5494 tax
mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminalis
54533 5491 tax
principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve (pair)
nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigeminalis (par)
83464 5492 tax
posteromedial nucleus (pair) ; dorsomedial nucleus (pair)
nucleus posteromedialis (par) ; nucleus dorsomedialis (par)
83957 5493 tax
anterolateral nucleus (pair) ; ventrolateral nucleus (pair)
nucleus anterolateralis (par) ; nucleus ventrolateralis (par)
54565 5489 tax
spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve (pair)
nucleus spinalis nervi trigeminalis (par)
235322 5490 tax
oral subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus oralis (par)
235324 5350 tax
interpolar subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus interpolaris (par)
72606 5346 tax
caudal subnucleus
subnucleus caudalis
8354 tax
nuclei viscerosensorii rhombencephali rostralis (par)
8355 tax
oval nucleus (pair) ; rostral tip of solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus ovalis (par) ; rostrum nuclei solitarii (par)
8383 tax
nuclei vestibulares rhombencephali rostralis (par)
54617 5514 tax
superior vestibular nucleus (pair)
nucleus vestibularis superior (par)
8384 tax
magnocellular part (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par)
8385 tax
parvocellular part (pair)
pars parvocellularis (par)
54611 5379 tax
medial vestibular nucleus
nucleus vestibularis medialis
54614 5512 tax
lateral vestibular nucleus (pair)
nucleus vestibularis lateralis (par)
83963 5513 tax
parvocellular part (pair) ; cell group L (pair)
pars parvocellularis (par)
8357 tax
interstitial nucleus of vestibular nerve (pair)
nucleus interstitialis nervi vestibularis (par)
8358 tax
nuclei acustici rhombencephali rostralis (par) ; nuclei auditorii rhombencephali rostralis (par)
323296 5516 tax
nuclei of lateral lemniscus (pair)
nuclei lemnisci lateralis (par)
72483 5517 tax
dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus (pair) ; posterior nucleus of lateral lemniscus (pair)
nucleus dorsalis lemnisci lateralis (par) ; nucleus posterior lemnisci lateralis (par)
72484 5519 tax
ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus (pair) ; anterior nucleus of lateral lemniscus (pair)
nucleus ventralis lemnisci lateralis (par) ; nucleus anterior lemnisci lateralis (par)
72247 5500 tax
superior olivary complex (pair)
complexus olivaris superior (par)
72472 5501 tax
lateral superior olivary nucleus (pair)
nucleus olivaris superior lateralis (par)
72473 5502 tax
medial superior olivary nucleus (pair)
nucleus olivaris superior medialis (par)
periolivary nuclei (pair)
nuclei periolivares (par)
72475 5504 tax
medial periolivary nuclei (pair)
nuclei periolivares mediales (par)
226217 5505 tax
lateral periolivary nuclei (pair)
nuclei periolivares laterales (par)
72477 5507 tax
nucleus of trapezoid body (pair)
nucleus corporis trapezoidei (par)
8394 tax
nuclei somatomotorii rhombencephali rostralis (par)
54518 5643 tax
trochlear nucleus (pair) ; nucleus of trochlear nerve (pair)
nucleus trochlearis (par) ; nucleus nervi trochlearis (par)
54504 5496 tax
nucleus of abducens nerve (pair)
nucleus nervi abducentis (par)
8386 tax
nuclei branchiomotorii rhombencephali rostralis (par)
54562 5495 tax
motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve (pair)
nucleus motorius nervi trigeminalis (par)
77089 8387 tax
retrotrigeminal nucleus (pair) ; accessory trigeminal nucleus (pair)
nucleus retrotrigeminalis (par) ; nucleus trigeminalis accessorius (par)
54582 5497 tax
facial nucleus (pair)
nucleus nervi facialis (par)
77090 8361 tax
retrofacial nucleus (pair) ; accessory facial nucleus (pair)
nucleus retrofacialis (par) ; nucleus facialis accessorius (par)
8362 tax
nuclei visceromotorii rhombencephali rostralis (par)
72482 5498 tax
superior salivatory nucleus (pair)
nucleus salivarius superior (par)
8388 tax
nuclei reticulares rhombencephali rostralis (par)
72468 5538 tax
oral pontine reticular nucleus (pair); rostral pontine reticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus reticularis pontis oralis (par); nucleus reticularis pontis rostralis (par)
77486 5539 tax
paralemniscal nucleus (pair)
nucleus paralemniscalis (par)
72469 5537 tax
caudal pontine reticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis (par)
72583 5540 tax
paramedian pontine reticular formation (pair)
formatio reticularis pontis paramediana (par)
8363 tax
interposed raphe nucleus (pair)
nucleus raphes interpositus (par)
8396 tax
nuclei neuromodulatorii rhombencephali rostralis
8397 tax
raphe nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon
nuclei raphes rhombencephali rostralis
72465 5544 tax
median raphe nucleus; serotonergic cells B6
nucleus raphes medianus ; cellulae serotonergicae B6
68875 5543 tax
pontine raphe nucleus; serotonergic cells B5
nucleus raphes pontinus ; cellula serotonergica B5
68462 5545 tax
dorsal raphe nucleus (pair); serotonergic cells B7 (pair)
nucleus raphes dorsalis (par) ; cellulae serotonergicae B7 (par)
serotonergic cells of vestibular area ; serotonergic cells B4
cellulae serotonergicae areae vestibularis ; cellulae serotonergicae B4
72584 5423
raphe magnus nucleus
nucleus raphes magnus
8398 tax
noradrenergic nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
nuclei noradrenergici rhombencephali rostralis (par)
72478 5521 tax
caerulean nucleus (pair) ; noradrenergic nucleus A6 (pair) ; locus caeruleus (pair); coerulean nucleus (pair) ▲
nucleus caeruleus (par) ; nucleus noradrenergicus A6 (par)
72479 5522 tax
subcaerulean nucleus (pair) ; subcoerulean nucleus (pair)
nucleus subcaeruleus (par)
8399 tax
noradrenergic cells of superior cerebellar peduncle (pair) ; noradrenergic cells A4 (pair)
cellulae noradrenergicae pedunculi cerebellaris superioris (par) ; cellulae noradrenergicae A4 (par)
6290 tax
noradrenergic cells of nucleus of lateral lemniscus (pair) ; noradrenergic cells A7 (pair)
cellulae noradrenergicae nuclei lemnisci lateralis (par) ; cellulae noradrenergicae A7 (par)
6292 tax
lateral noradrenergic cells of rostral rhombencephalon (pair) ; noradrenergic cells A5 (pair)
cellulae noradrenergicae rhombencephali rostralis laterales (par); cellulae noradrenergicae A5 (par)
8400 tax
cholinergic nuclei of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
nuclei cholinergici rhombencephali rostralis (par)
parabigeminal nucleus (pair) ; cholinergic nucleus Ch8 (pair)
nucleus parabigeminalis (par) ; nucleus cholinergicus Ch8 (par)
72429 5660 tax
pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (pair) ; pedunculotegmental nucleus (pair) ; cholinergic nucleus Ch5 (pair)
nucleus tegmentalis pedunculopontinus (par) ; nucleus pedunculotegmentalis (par) ; nucleus cholinergicus Ch5 (par)
compact part (pair)
pars compacta (par)
dissipated part (pair)
pars dissipata (par)
8401 tax
dorsolateral tegmental nucleus (pair) ; posterolateral tegmental nucleus (pair) ; cholinergic nucleus Ch6 (pair)
nucleus tegmentalis dorsolateralis (par) ; nucleus tegmentalis posterolateralis (par) ; nucleus cholinergicus Ch6 (par)
8404 tax
nuclei limbici rhombencephali rostralis (par)
5524 tax
parabrachial nuclei (pair)
nuclei parabrachiales (par)
72481 5526
lateral parabrachial nucleus (pair)
nucleus parabrachialis lateralis (par)
76798 5527
lateral part (pair) ; lateral subnucleus (pair)
pars lateralis (par) ; subnucleus lateralis (par)
76799 5528
medial part (pair) ; medial subnucleus (pair)
pars medialis (par) ; subnucleus medialis (par)
76800 5529
posterior part (pair) ; dorsal part (pair) ; posterior subnucleus (pair) ; dorsal subnucleus (pair)
pars posterior (par) ; pars dorsalis (par) ; subnucleus posterior (par) ; subnucleus dorsalis (par)
76812 5530
anterior part (pair) ; ventral part (pair) ; anterior subnucleus (pair) ; ventral subnucleus (pair)
pars anterior (par) ; pars ventralis (par) ; subnucleus anterior (par) ; subnucleus ventralis (par)
72480 5531
medial parabrachial nucleus (pair)
nucleus parabrachialis medialis (par)
76817 5532
medial part (pair) ; medial subnucleus (pair)
pars medialis (par) ; subnucleus medialis (par)
76818 5533
lateral part (pair) ; lateral subnucleus (pair)
pars lateralis (par) ; subnucleus lateralis (par)
77220 5525
subparabrachial nucleus (pair)
nucleus subparabrachialis (par)
8405 tax
micturition centre (pair); M region (pair) ▲
centrum micturitionis (par) ; regio M (par)
8406 tax
L region (pair)
regio L (par)
72435 5520 tax
ventral tegmental nucleus (pair) ; anterior tegmental nucleus (pair)
nucleus tegmentalis ventralis (par) ; nucleus tegmentalis anterior (par)
72434 5534 tax
dorsal tegmental nucleus (pair) ; posterior tegmental nucleus (pair)
nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis (par) ; nucleus tegmentalis posterior (par)
72439 5637 tax
interpeduncular nucleus (pair)
nucleus interpeduncularis (par)
8390 tax
nuclei precerebellares rhombencephali rostralis (par)
72471 5541 tax
reticulotegmental nucleus (pair)
nucleus reticulotegmentalis (par)
77221 5535
supralemniscal nucleus (pair)
nucleus supralemniscalis (par)
8366 tax
rostral paramedian tract nuclei (pair)
nuclei rostrales tractus paramediani (par)
8367 tax
supragenual nucleus (pair) ; paramedian tract cell group 3 (pair)
nucleus supragenualis (par)
8368 tax
rostral cap of nucleus of abducens nerve (pair); paramedian tract cell group 4a (pair)
cupula rostralis nuclei nervi abducentis (par)
8369 tax
dorsal subnucleus of pontine raphe nucleus (pair) ; paramedian tract cell group 5b + 5c (pair)
subnucleus dorsalis nuclei raphes pontis (par)
77775 5523 tax
intrafascicular nucleus (pair) ; paramedian tract cell group 5a (pair)
nucleus intrafascicularis (par)
8370 tax
dorsal midline pontine cells (pair); paramedian tract cell group 6s (pair)
cellulae pontinae medianae dorsales (par)
83942 5453 tax
white matter of rostral rhombencephalon ; white substance
substantia alba rhombencephali rostralis
radices centrales rhombencephali rostralis (par)
decussation of trochlear nerve
decussatio nervi trochlearis
72489 5464
mesencephalic tract of trigeminal nerve
tractus mesencephalicus nervi trigeminalis
72510 5465
knee of facial nerve
genu nervi facialis
83851 5302 tax
spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
tractus spinalis nervi trigeminalis
tractus commissurales rhombencephali rostralis (par)
commissure of dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus
commissura nuclei dorsalis lemnisci lateralis
tractus intrinsici rhombencephali rostralis (par)
72485 5467
olivocochlear bundle
tractus olivocochlearis
long tracts of rostral rhombencephalon (pair)
tractus longi rhombencephali rostralis (par)
tractus ascendentes spinales (par)
77766 12531 tax
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
5331 tax
spinorhombencephalic fibres
fibrae spinorhombencephalica
spinoparabrachial fibres
fibrae spinoparabrachiales
spinoreticular fibres of rostral rhombencephalon
fibrae spinoreticulares rhombencephali rostralis
spinofacial fibres
fibrae spinofaciales
tractus ascendentes trunci encephali (par)
5298 tax
rostral rhombencephalic part of medial lemniscus
pars rhombencephalica rostralis lemnisci medialis
vestibulomesencephalic tracts (pair)
tractus vestibulomesencephalici (par)
anterior trigeminothalamic tract ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract ; trigeminal lemniscus
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis ; lemniscus trigeminalis
72500 5463
posterior trigeminothalamic tract ; dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis
72500 5463
posterior trigeminothalamic tract ; dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus posterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus dorsalis
8461 tax
ascending gustatory fibres
fibrae gustatoriae ascendentes
vestibulomesencephalic tracts (pair)
tractus vestibulomesencephalici (par)
medial vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus medialis
lateral vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus lateralis
ventral vestibulomesencephalic tract
tractus vestibulomesencephalicus ventralis
vestibulothalamic tract
tractus vestibulothalamicus
auditory projections
projectiones auditoriae
72487 5466
trapezoid body
corpus trapezoideum
acoustic striae
striae cochleares
72498 5470
anterior acoustic stria ; ventral acoustic stria
stria cochlearis anterior; stria cochlearis ventralis
72497 5471
intermediate acoustic stria
stria cochlearis intermedia
72496 5472
posterior acoustic stria ; dorsal acoustic stria
stria cochlearis posterior
72502 5468
lateral lemniscus
lemniscus lateralis
commissure of dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus
commissura nuclei dorsalis lemnisci lateralis
monoaminergic ascending fibres (pair)
fibrae ascendentes monoaminergicae (par)
serotonergic ascending fibres
fibrae ascendentes serotonergicae
noradrenergic ascending fibres
fibrae ascendentes noradrenergicae
tractus efferentes cerebellares (par)
72490 5763
uncinate fasciculus of cerebellum
fasciculus uncinatus cerebelli
8467 tax
cerebelloolivary fibres ; nucleoolivary fibres
fibrae cerebelloolivares ; fibrae nucleoolivares
tractus afferentes (par)
anterior spinocerebellar tract ; ventral spinocerebellar tract
tractus spinocerebellaris anterior ; tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis
descending (pair) P4 19 children
tractus descendentes (par)
265586 8527 tax
corticospinal tract
tractus corticospinalis
corticonuclear tract
tractus corticonuclearis
224856 12543
corticopontine tracts
tractus corticopontini
amygdalotegmental fibres
fibrae amygdalotegmentales
77482 8415 tax
hypothalamospinal tract
tractus hypothalamospinalis
72645 8479 tax
tectobulbar tract
tractus tectobulbaris
72620 8480 tax
tectospinal tract
tractus tectospinalis
83846 8495 tax
descending medial longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis descendens
62063 7620
posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
72640 8481 tax
rubrospinal tract
tractus rubrospinalis
8482 tax
rubrocerebellar fibres
fibrae rubrocerebellares
8483 tax
rubrofacial fibres
fibrae rubrofaciales
8490 tax
medial tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis medialis
83850 5476 tax
central tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis centralis
5234 tax
spinal part ; coeruleospinal tract
pars spinalis
reticulospinal tracts
tractus reticulospinales
73986 5212
medial reticulospinal tract ; pontoreticulospinal tract ; pontine reticulospinal tract
tractus reticulospinalis medialis ; tractus pontoreticulospinalis
62003 5260
72244 5431 tax
pons ; pars basilaris pontis
83922 5441 tax
substantia grisea pontis
77113 5442 tax
nuclei of pons
nuclei pontis
77114 5443
anterior pontine nucleus (pair); ventral nucleus of pons (pair)
nucleus anterior pontis (par) ; nucleus ventralis pontis (par)
77116 5444
lateral pontine nucleus (pair)
nucleus lateralis pontis (par)
77117 5445
median pontine nucleus
nucleus medianus pontis
77122 5446
paramedian pontine nucleus (pair)
nucleus paramedianus pontis (par)
77123 5447
peduncular pontine nucleus (pair)
nucleus peduncularis pontis (par)
77118 5448
posterior pontine nucleus (pair); dorsal nucleus of pons (pair)
nucleus posterior pontis (par) ; nucleus dorsalis pontis (par)
77120 5449
posterolateral pontine nucleus (pair); dorsolateral nucleus of pons (pair)
nucleus posterior lateralis pontis (par); nucleus dorsolateralis pontis (par)
77121 5450
posteromedial pontine nucleus; dorsomedial nucleus of pons
nucleus posterior medialis pontis; nucleus dorsomedialis pontis
83941 5432 tax
substantia alba pontis
descending tracts of pons (pair)
tractus descendentes pontis (par)
265586 8527 tax
corticospinal tract
tractus corticospinalis
corticonuclear tract
tractus corticonuclearis
8528 tax
corticoreticular tract
tractus corticoreticularis
corticopontine (pair)
fibrae corticopontinae (par)
75223 6243
frontopontine tract
tractus frontopontinus
8535 tax
parietopontine fibres
fibrae parietopontinae
8536 tax
temporopontine fibres
fibrae temporopontinae
8534 tax
occipitopontine fibres
fibrae occipitopontinae
commissural tracts of pons (pair)
tractus commissurales pontis (par)
pontocerebellar fibres
fibrae pontocerebellares
11874 tax
rhombencephalon caudale
res morphologiae externae rhombencephali caudalis
78490 5287 tax
83795 5286 tax
posterior median groove ; dorsal median groove
sulcus medianus posterior ; sulcus medianus dorsalis
75256 5285 tax
gracile tubercle (pair)
tuberculum gracile (par)
72255 5283 tax
cuneate tubercle (pair)
tuberculum cuneatum (par)
75257 5281 tax
trigeminal tubercle (pair)
tuberculum trigeminale (par)
75608 5278 tax
posterolateral groove (pair) ; dorsolateral groove (pair)
sulcus posterolateralis (par) ; sulcus dorsolateralis (par)
5274 tax
inferior olive (pair) ; olive (pair)
oliva (par)
84363 5277 tax
retroolivary area (pair)
area retroolivaris (par)
83796 5276 tax
retroolivary groove (pair)
sulcus retroolivaris (par)
74582 5272 tax
preolivary groove (pair)
sulcus preolivaris (par)
75254 5269 tax
bulbar pyramid (pair)
pyramis bulbaris (par) ; pyramis bulbi (par)
83797 5271 tax
anterolateral groove (pair) ; ventrolateral groove (pair)
sulcus anterolateralis (par) ; sulcus ventrolateralis (par)
75350 5268 tax
foramen caecum of medulla oblongata ▲
foramen caecum medullae oblongatae
83734 5267 tax
anterior median fissure ; ventral median fissure
fissura mediana anterior ; fissura mediana ventralis
entities of internal morphology of caudal rhombencephalon
res morphologiae internae rhombencephali caudalis
83925 5335 tax
grey matter of caudal rhombencephalon ; grey substance ▲
substantia grisea rhombencephali caudalis
8031 tax
nuclei somatosensorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
72602 5336 tax
gracile nucleus (pair)
nucleus gracilis (par)
77059 5337 tax
central part (pair)
pars centralis (par)
77060 5338 tax
rostral part (pair)
pars rostralis (par)
77065 5339 tax
rostrodorsal subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus rostrodorsalis (par)
compact parvocellular nucleus (pair)
nucleus parvocellularis compactus (par)
68465 5340 tax
cuneate nucleus (pair)
nucleus cuneatus (par)
77069 5341 tax
caudal part (pair)
pars caudalis (par)
round part (pair)
pars teres (par)
triangular part (pair)
pars triangularis (par)
77070 5342 tax
rostral part (pair)
pars rostralis (par)
72603 5343 tax
accessory cuneate nucleus (pair) ; external cuneate nucleus (pair)
nucleus cuneatus accessorius (par) ; nucleus cuneatus externus (par)
77073 5344 tax
accessory precuneate nucleus (pair) ; cell group X (pair)
nucleus precuneatus accessorius (par)
72605 5394 tax
medial pericuneate nucleus (pair)
nucleus pericuneatus medialis (par)
72604 5395 tax
lateral pericuneate nucleus (pair)
nucleus pericuneatus lateralis (par)
77099 5393 tax
endolemniscal nucleus (pair)
nucleus endolemniscalis (par)
72600 5400 tax
peritrigeminal nucleus (pair)
nucleus peritrigeminalis (par)
72606 5346 tax
caudal subnucleus (pair)
subnucleus caudalis (par)
83959 5347 tax
trigeminal layer I (pair) ; zonal layer (pair)
lamina trigeminalis I (par) ; lamina zonalis (par)
83960 5348 tax
trigeminal layer II (pair) ; gelatinous layer (pair)
lamina trigeminalis II (par) ; lamina gelatinosa (par)
83961 5349 tax
trigeminal layer III-IV (pair) ; magnocellular layer (pair)
lamina trigeminalis III-IV (par) ; lamina magnocellularis (par)
8037 tax
nuclei viscerosensorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
72607 5392 tax
postrema area (pair)
area postrema (par)
256691 5364 tax
nuclei of solitary tract (pair) ; solitary nuclei (pair)
nuclei tractus solitarii (par) ; nuclei solitarii (par)
77467 5372 tax
posterior solitary nucleus (pair) ; dorsal solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius posterior (par) ; nucleus solitarius dorsalis (par)
229579 5373 tax
posterolateral solitary nucleus (pair) ; dorsolateral solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius posterolateralis (par) ; nucleus solitarius dorsolateralis (par)
77468 5374 tax
anterior solitary nucleus (pair) ; ventral solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius anterior (par) ; nucleus solitarius ventralis (par)
229583 5375 tax
anterolateral solitary nucleus (pair) ; ventrolateral solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius anterolateralis (par) ; nucleus solitarius ventrolateralis (par)
229585 5370 tax
medial solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius medialis (par)
77465 5369 tax
interstitial solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius interstitialis (par)
77464 5368 tax
intermediate solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius intermedius (par)
77463 5367 tax
gelatinous solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius gelatinosus (par)
77466 5371 tax
paracommissural solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius paracommissuralis (par)
54597 5366 tax
commissural solitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus solitarius commissuralis (par)
77091 5365 tax
parasolitary nucleus (pair)
nucleus parasolitarius (par)
5376 tax
nuclei vestibulares rhombencephali caudalis (par)
77095 5380 tax
marginal nucleus (pair) ; cell group Y (pair)
nucleus marginalis (par)
54611 5379 tax
medial vestibular nucleus (pair)
nucleus vestibularis medialis (par)
8433 tax
magnocellular part (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par)
8039 tax
parvocellular part (pair)
pars parvocellularis (par)
54608 5377 tax
inferior vestibular nucleus (pair)
nucleus vestibularis inferior (par)
77475 5378 tax
magnocellular part (pair) ; cell group F (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par)
5381 tax
nuclei acustici rhombencephali caudalis (par) ; nuclei auditorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
54624 5382 tax
posterior cochlear nucleus (pair) ; dorsal cochlear nucleus (pair)
nucleus cochlearis posterior (par) ; nucleus cochlearis dorsalis (par)
8042 tax
molecular layer (pair)
lamina molecularis (par)
8044 tax
granular layer (pair)
lamina granularis (par)
8045 tax
deep layer (pair)
lamina profunda (par)
neurons of posterior cochlear nucleus (pair)
neura nuclei cochlearis posterioris (par)
projection neurons (pair); principal neurons (pair)
neura projectionis (par) ; neura principalia (par)
8049 tax
fusiform neurons (pair) ; fusiform cells (pair)
neura fusiformia (par)
8050 tax
giant neurons (pair) ; giant cells (pair)
neura gigantea (par)
excitatory interneurons (pair)
interneura excitatoria (par)
8053 tax
granule neurons (pair); granule cells (pair)
neura granularia (par)
inhibitory interneurons (pair)
interneura inhibitoria (par)
8056 tax
vertical neurons (pair) ; vertical cells (pair)
neura verticalia (par)
8058 tax
(cartwheel neurons (pair); cartwheel cells (pair))
(neura rotiformia (par) )
54621 5383 tax
anterior cochlear nucleus (pair) ; ventral cochlear nucleus (pair)
nucleus cochlearis anterior (par) ; nucleus cochlearis ventralis (par)
72571 5384 tax
anterior part (pair)
pars anterior (par)
72572 5385 tax
posterior part (pair)
pars posterior (par)
8059 tax
cupular part (pair)
pars cupularis (par)
neurons of anterior cochlear nucleus (pair)
neura nuclei cochlearis anterioris (par)
projection neurons (pair); principal neurons (pair)
neura projectionis (par) ; neura principalia (par)
8064 tax
stellate neurons (pair) ; stellate cells (pair); T-multipolar cells (pair)
neura stellata (par)
8065 tax
spherical bushy neurons (pair) ; spherical bushy cells (pair)
neura fruticosa spherica (par)
8066 tax
globose bushy neurons (pair) ; globular bushy cells (pair)
neura fruticosa globosa (par)
8068 tax
octopus neurons (pair); octopus cells (pair)
neura octopodiformia (par)
inhibitory interneurons (pair)
interneura inhibitoria (par)
8071 tax
multipolar neurons (pair) ; multipolar cells (pair); D-multipolar cells (pair)
neura multipolaria (par)
8072 tax
nuclei somatomotorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
54505 5361 tax
hypoglossal nucleus (pair)
nucleus nervi hypoglossi (par)
8074 tax
nuclei branchiomotorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
54588 5387 tax
ambiguous nucleus (pair) ; nucleus ambiguus (pair); ventral nucleus of vagus nerve (pair)
nucleus ambiguus (par)
5402 tax
supraspinal nucleus (pair)
nucleus supraspinalis (par)
8075 tax
nuclei visceromotorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
72601 5389 tax
inferior salivatory nucleus (pair)
nucleus salivarius inferior (par)
54585 5363 tax
posterior nucleus of vagus nerve (pair) ; dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve (pair)
nucleus posterior nervi vagi (par) ; nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi (par)
5403 tax
nuclei reticulares rhombencephali caudalis (par)
72576 5404 tax
gigantocellular reticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus gigantocellularis (par)
77107 5405 tax
part alpha (pair)
pars alpha (par)
76832 5406 tax
anterior gigantocellular nucleus (pair) ; ventral gigantocellular nucleus (pair)
nucleus gigantocellularis anterior (par) ; nucleus gigantocellularis ventralis (par)
72577 5407 tax
lateral paragigantocellular reticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis (par)
proper gigantocellular nucleus (pair)
nucleus gigantocellularis proprius (par)
72579 5416 tax
central reticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus reticularis centralis (par)
72581 5417 tax
dorsal part (pair)
pars dorsalis (par)
72583 5418 tax
ventral part (pair)
pars ventralis (par)
72575 5414 tax
parvocellular reticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus reticularis parvocellularis (par)
72578 5415 tax
posterior paragigantocellular reticular nucleus (pair); dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus (pair)
nucleus paragigantocellularis posterior (par) ; nucleus paragigantocellularis dorsalis (par)
intermediate reticular zone (pair) ; intermediate reticular nucleus (pair)
zona reticularis intermedia (par) ; nucleus reticularis intermedius (par)
8078 tax
rostral ventral respiratory group (pair) ▲
centrum respiratorium ventrale rostrale (par)
8080 tax
caudal ventral respiratory group (pair) ▲
centrum respiratorium ventrale caudale (par)
8081 tax
medullary expiratory centre (pair) ; Bötzinger group of expiratory neurons (pair) ▲
centrum expiratorium medullae (par)
8083 tax
generating centre of respiratory rhythm (pair) ; pre-Bötzinger cells (pair) ▲
centrum generans motus respiratorii (par)
8084 tax
rostral ventrolateral medullary vasomotor centre (pair)
centrum vasomotorium medullare ventrolaterale rostrale (par)
8086 tax
caudal ventrolateral medullary vasomotor centre (pair)
centrum vasomotorium medullae ventrolaterale caudale (par)
8087 tax
nuclei neuromodulatorii rhombencephali caudalis (par)
5420 tax
nuclei raphes rhombencephali caudalis (par)
72584 5423
raphe magnus nucleus (pair)
nucleus raphes magnus (par)
serotonergic cells B3 (pair)
cellulae serotonergicae B3 (par)
72585 5421
raphe obscurus nucleus (pair)
nucleus raphes obscurus (par)
serotonergic cells B2 (pair)
cellulae serotonergicae B2 (par)
72586 5422
raphe pallidus nucleus (pair)
nucleus raphes pallidalis (par)
serotonergic cells B1 (pair)
cellulae serotonergicae B1 (par)
adrenergic cells of caudal rhombencephalon (pair) ; adrenergic cells C1-C2 (pair)
cellulae adrenergicae rhombencephali caudalis (par) ; cellulae adrenergicae C1-C2 (par)
noradrenergic cells of caudal rhombencephalon (pair) ; noradrenergic cells A1-A2 (pair)
cellulae noradrenergicae rhombencephali caudalis (par) ; cellulae noradrenergicae A1-A2 (par)
8091 tax
nuclei limbici rhombencephali caudalis (par)
77096 5388 tax
retroambiguus nucleus (pair); nucleus retroambiguus (pair)
nucleus retroambiguus (par)
8093 tax
nuclei precerebellares rhombencephali caudalis (par)
72243 5353 tax
inferior olivary complex (pair)
complexus olivaris inferior (par)
72592 5354 tax
principal olivary nucleus (pair)
nucleus olivaris principalis (par)
77086 5355 tax
posterior lamella (pair) ; dorsal lamella (pair)
lamella posterior (par) ; lamella dorsalis (par)
77088 5356 tax
anterior lamella (pair) ; ventral lamella (pair)
lamella anterior (par) ; lamella ventralis (par)
77087 5357 tax
lateral lamella (pair)
lamella lateralis (par)
72612 5358 tax
hilum of inferior olivary complex (pair)
hilum complexus olivaris inferioris (par)
72593 5359 tax
posterior accessory olivary nucleus (pair) ; dorsal accessory olivary nucleus (pair)
nucleus olivaris accessorius posterior (par) ; nucleus olivaris accessorius dorsalis (par)
72594 5360 tax
medial accessory olivary nucleus (pair)
nucleus olivaris accessorius medialis (par)
72574 5410 tax
lateral reticular nucleus (pair)
nucleus reticularis lateralis (par)
76833 5411 tax
magnocellular part (pair)
pars magnocellularis (par)
76834 5412 tax
parvocellular part (pair)
pars parvocellularis (par)
77111 5413 tax
subtrigeminal part (pair)
pars subtrigeminalis (par)
5396 tax
perihypoglossal nuclei (pair)
nuclei perihypoglossi (par)
68574 5397
subhypoglossal nucleus (pair)
nucleus subhypoglossus (par)
72597 5398
intercalated nucleus (pair)
nucleus intercalatus (par)
72596 5399
prepositus nucleus (pair)
nucleus prepositus (par)
72609 5390 tax
arcuate nucleus (pair)
nucleus arcuatus (par)
8094 tax
conterminal nucleus (pair)
nucleus conterminalis (par)
54575 5408 tax
interfascicular nucleus of hypoglossal nerve (pair)
nucleus interfascicularis nervi hypoglossi (par)
72608 5401 tax
pontobulbar nucleus (pair)
nucleus pontobulbaris (par)
8095 tax
caudal paramedian tract nuclei (pair)
nuclei caudales partis cerebellaris fibrae pontocerebellaris (par)
8097 tax
medullary interfascicular nucleus (pair) ; paramedian tract cell group 1 (pair)
nucleus interfascicularis medullae spinalis (par)
8098 tax
pararapheal nuclei (pair)
nuclei para (par)
72581 5362 tax
posterior paramedian nucleus (pair) ; dorsal paramedian nucleus (pair)
nucleus paramedianus posterior (par) ; nucleus paramedianus dorsalis (par)
83944 5288 tax
white matter of caudal rhombencephalon ; white substance of caudal rhombencephalon
substantia alba rhombencephali caudalis
radices centrales rhombencephali caudalis (par)
258416 5245 tax
gracile fasciculus
fasciculus gracilis
73941 5246 tax
cuneate fasciculus
fasciculus cuneatus
72619 5307 tax
solitary tract
tractus solitarius
83851 5302 tax
spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
tractus spinalis nervi trigeminalis
long tracts of caudal rhombencephalon (pair)
tractus longi rhombencephali caudalis (par)
tractus ascendentes medullae spinalis (par)
77766 12531 tax
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
5331 tax
spinorhombencephalic fibres
fibrae spinorhombencephalica
5326 tax
spinoreticular fibres
fibrae spinoreticulares
cervicothalamic tract
tractus cervicothalamicus
72643 12547 tax
spinoolivary tract
tractus spinoolivaris
7539 tax
spinovestibular tract
tractus spinovestibularis
tractus ascendentes (par)
5298 tax
rostral rhombencephalic part of medial lemniscus
pars rhombencephalica rostralis lemnisci medialis
5296 tax
internal arcuate fibres
fibrae arcuatae internae
72622 5297 tax
decussation of medial lemniscus ; sensory decussation
decussatio lemnisci medialis ; decussatio sensoria
8453 tax
trigeminothalamic tracts of caudal rhombencephalon
tractus trigeminothalamici rhombencephali caudalis
anterior trigeminothalamic tract ; ventral trigeminothalamic tract ; trigeminal lemniscus
tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior ; tractus trigeminothalamicus ventralis ; lemniscus trigeminalis
lateral trigeminothalamic tract
tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis
tractus cerebelli (par)
tracts of inferior cerebellar peduncle (pair)
tractus pedunculi cerebellaris inferioris (par)
tractus descendentes trunci encephali (par)
72634 8526 tax
pyramidal tract
tractus pyramidalis
265586 8527 tax
corticospinal tract
tractus corticospinalis
corticonuclear tract
tractus corticonuclearis
8528 tax
corticoreticular tract
tractus corticoreticularis
5293 tax
decussation of pyramids; motor decussation
decussatio pyramidum; decussatio motoria
amygdalotegmental fibres
fibrae amygdalotegmentales
77482 8415 tax
hypothalamospinal tract
tractus hypothalamospinalis
8490 tax
medial tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis medialis
75216 8491 tax
pretectoolivary tract
tractus pretectoolivaris
75219 8492 tax
prerubroolivary tract
tractus prerubroolivaris
medial longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
rostral rhombencephalic part
pars rhombencephalica rostralis
8446 tax
medial vestibulospinal tract
tractus vestibulospinalis medialis
62063 7620
posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis
72645 8479 tax
tectobulbar tract
tractus tectobulbaris
75218 5459 tax
tectoreticular fibres
fibrae tectoreticulares
75217 5458 tax
tectoolivary fibres
fibrae tectoolivares
72620 8480 tax
tectospinal tract
tractus tectospinalis
83850 5476 tax
central tegmental tract
tractus tegmentalis centralis
77050 5322 tax
rubroolivary tracts
tractus rubroolivares
72611 5303 tax
amiculum of olive
amiculum olivare
rubrospinal tract
tractus rubrospinalis
caeruleospinal tract (pair)
tractus caeruleospinalis (par)
5234 tax
spinal part (pair) ; coeruleospinal tract (pair)
pars spinalis (par)
reticulospinal tracts
tractus reticulospinales
73986 5212
medial reticulospinal tract ; pontoreticulospinal tract ; pontine reticulospinal tract
tractus reticulospinalis medialis ; tractus pontoreticulospinalis
75689 5224 tax
lateral reticulospinal tract ; bulboreticulospinal tract ; medullary reticulospinal tract
tractus reticulospinalis lateralis ; tractus bulboreticulospinalis
7883 tax
cerebellospinal tracts
tractus cerebellospinales
75690 8469 tax
fastigiospinal tract
tractus fastigiospinalis
75691 5221 tax
interpositospinal tract
tractus interpositospinalis
73974 5318 tax
lateral vestibulospinal tract
tractus vestibulospinalis lateralis
8443 tax
raphespinal tracts
tractus raphespinales
8444 tax
lateral raphespinal tract
tractus raphespinalis lateralis
75686 5310 tax
anterior raphespinal tract ; ventral raphespinal tract
tractus raphespinalis anterior ; tractus raphespinalis ventralis
8447 tax
solitariospinal tract
tractus solitariospinalis
1684 lines
61.0 %
69.1 %
12 partial items
3933 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For the Reticulospinal tracts various terms are used in the literature. Following the study on human reticulospinal fibres by Nathan PW, Smith MC, Deacon P (1996 Vestibulospinal, reticulospinal and descending propriospinal nerve fibres in man. Brain 119:1809-1833), here, a simplified subdivision into a Lateral (from The Myelencephalon) and a Medial reticulospinal tract (from the Pons) is advocated.
The Diencephalon in its classic, columnar view was divided into four dorsoventrally arranged columns separated by ventricular sulci: the Epithalamus, the Dorsal thalamus, the Ventral thalamus and the Hypothalamus. Extensive embryological studies made it clear that the thalamic 'columns' are derived from transversely oriented zones, the Prosomeres (see TE). Currently, the (Caudal) Diencephalon is subdivided into three segmental units, which from caudal to rostral, contain in their alar domains the Pretectum (prosomere 1 or P1), the Epithalamus and the Thalamus (P2) and the Ventral thalamus or Prethalamus (P3). The diencephalic basal plate contains the rostral part of the Substantia nigra-VTA complex and some other nuclei, collectively forming the Diencephalic or Prerubral tegmentum between the Mesencephalon and the Hypothalamus. The entire Hypothalamus or Rostral diencephalon arises from the alar and basal components of the secondary prosencephalon. The Preoptic area is one of the subpallial developmental domains (Puelles L, Harrison M, Paxinos G, Watson C 2013 A developmental ontology for the mammalian brain based on the prosomeric model. Trends Neurosci 36:570-578).
For the Nucleus cuneatus (Cuneate nucleus), the new subdivision into 4 parts by Florence SL, Wall JT, Kaas JH (1989 Somatotopic organization of inputs from the hand to the spinal gray and cuneate nucleus of monkeys. J Comp Neurol 286:48-70) is used, as in Paxinos G, Huang X-F (1995 Atlas of the Human Brainstem. Academic Press, San Diego).
The Nucleus paramedianus posterior is also known as the Nucleus of the anterior funiculus, and possibly, is a precerebellar nucleus (Baizer JS, Baker JF, Haas K, Lima R 2007 Neurochemical organization of the nucleus paramedianus dorsalis in the human. Brain Res 1176:45-52; Olszewski and Baxter3, page 281).
It should be noted that the Inferior and Superior salivatory nuclei appear to be a distributed set of neurons that do not condense into nuclei as such (Blessing WB 2004 Lower brain stem regulation of visceral, cardiovascular, and respiratory function. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp 465-478).
The Zona reticularis intermedia (Intermediate reticular zone of Paxinos et al. 1990) is the junctional zone between the alar and basal plates in the medulla oblongata and retropontine tegmentum. It contains the motoneurons of the ambiguus, retrofacial and facial nuclei, and the retroambiguus nucleus (Paxinos G, Huang X-F 1995 Atlas of the Human Brain Stem. Academic Press, CA). The IRZ around this motoneuron column includes the Bötzinger complex, the pre-Bötzinger complex and rostral and ventral respiratory and vasomotor groups (Blessing WW, Benarroch EE 2012 Lower brainstem regulation of visceral, cardiovascular, and respiratory function. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Central Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1058-1073). Alternatively, certain nuclei have been grouped as Lateral reticular formation (Nieuwenhuys R, Voogd J, van Huijzen C 2008 The Human Central Nervous System, 4th ed. Springer, Heidelberg).
Traditionally, the Mesencephalon was subdivided into the Tectum (the Colliculi) and the Pedunculus (the Crus cerebri, the Substantia.VTA complex and the Tegmentum mesencephali). Here it is advocated to use the term Pedunculus only for what it actually is: a large bundle of fibres from the Telencephalon to the Brain stem and Spinal cord.
The Pars compacta may be further subdivided into two parts or tiers, each with subnuclei (Braak H, Braak E 1986 Nuclear configuration and neuronal types of the nucleus niger in the brain of the human adult. Human Neurobiol 5:71-82; van Domburg PHMF, ten Donkelaar HJ 1991 The human substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol 121:1-130); here, the subdivision by Halliday G, Reyes S, Double K (2012 Substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area and retrorubral fields. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 439-455) is used. The various subnuclei partly correspond to the subdivision into Nigrosomes and Matrix (Damier P, Hirsch EC, Agid Y, Graybiel AM 1999 The substantia nigra of the human brain. I. Nigrosomes and the nigral matrix, a compartmental organization based on calbindin D28k immunohistochemistry. Brain 122:1421-1436).
The Nucleus externus is a laminar structure; in Amunts K, Morosan P, Hilbig H, Zilles K (2012 Auditory system. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1270-1300) described as External cortex of Inferior colliculus (ECIC) to replace the TA term Nucleus lateralis. In TH, the Nucleus pericentralis is described as Dorsal cortex with Layers I-IV, based on: Geniec P, Morest DK (1971) The neuronal architecture of the human posterior colliculus; Acta Oto-Laryngol 295:(Suppl):1-33; supported by immunohistochemical data in rhesus monkeys by Amunts et al. (2012; their Dorsal cortex of inferior colliculus).
See note # 5672
Recent data suggest that the Tonsilla is comparable to the Dorsal paraflocculus, and the Paraflocculus accessorius to the Ventral paraflocculus (see Voogd and Ruigrok 2012). The Paraflocculus accessorius forms part of Lobule HIX.
For the Thalamic nuclei, a new subdivision based on Hirai T, Jones EG (1989 A new parcellation of the human thalamus on the basis of histochemical staining. Brain Res Rev 14:1-34) and updated by Morel A, Magnin M, Jeanmonod D (1997 Multiarchitectonic and stereotactic atlas of the human thalamus. J Comp Neurol 387:618-677) is used to replace the list of terms in TA (, largely a matter of a more practical grouping of nuclei. As Latin synonym the term Regio is adopted from Percheron G (2004 Thalamus. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 592-675).
Some new items have been added from ten Donkelaar HJ, Tzourio-Mazoyer N, Mai JK (2018) Toward a common terminology for the gyri and sulci of the human cerebral cortex. Front Neuroanat 12:93.
The Pallium has four components of which the Pallium dorsale gives rise to the Isocortex (Neocortex), the Pallium laterale to the Claustro-insular complex, the Pallium mediale to the Formatio hippocampi, and the Pallium ventrale to the Olfactory cortex and the Pallial amygdala (see TE, Section Neuroembryology).
For the Polus frontalis (Frontal pole) and its subdivision, see Petrides M, Pandya DN (2012 The frontal lobe. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 988-1011; Bludau S, Eickhoff SB, Mohlberg H, et al. (2014) Cytoarchitecture, probability maps and functions of the human frontal pole. Neuroimage 93:260-275.
For subdivision of Broca’s area, see Amunts K, Schleicher A, Bürgel U, et al. (1999 Broca’s region revisited: Cytoarchitecture and intersubject variability. J Comp Neurol 412:319-341). The Sulcus diagonalis (of Eberstaller) is a variable branch of the Sulcus lateralis, dividing the Pars opercularis into two parts. The Sulcus radiatus (of Eberstaller) may indent the Pars triangularis from above.
See note # 6006
The Angular and supramarginal gyri form with the Parietal operculum the Lobulus parietalis inferior (Inferior parietal lobule or IPL). The Gyrus angularis (Angular gyrus; BA39) can be further subdivided (see Caspers S, Amunts K, Zilles K 2012 Posterior parietal cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1036-1035). The Operculum parietale (Parietal operculum) contains four cytoarchitectonic, functionally defined areas OP1-4 (see Eickhoff S, Schleicher A, Zilles K, Amunts K 2006a The human parietal operculum. I. Cytoarchitectonic mapping of subdivisions. Cereb Cortex 16:254-267; Eickhoff S, Amunts K, Mohlberg H, Zilles K 2006b Stereotaxic maps and correlation with functional imaginig results. Cereb Cortex 16:268-279). The Gyrus supramarginalis (Supramarginal gyrus; BA40) can be further subdivided (see Caspers et al. 2012).
See note # 6006
In monkeys, the Intraparietal sulcus contains numerous intraparietal areas (AIP, LIP, MIP, PIP and VIP), area PEip and area V6A (Rizzolatti G, Luppino G, Matelli M 1998 The organization of the cortical motor system: New concepts. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 106:283-296). In the human brain, at least AIP and VIP areas have been identified (Seitz RJ, Binkofski F 2003 Modular organization of parietal lobe functions as revealed by functional activation studies. Adv Neurol 93:281-292).
The Lobulus parietalis superior (Superior parietal lobule or SPL) can be divided into a Preparietal area (BA5 with subdivisions) and a Superior parietal area (BA7 with subdivisions; see Scheperjans F, Eickhoff SB, Mohlberg H, et al. 2008 Probabilistic maps, cytoarchitectonic morphometry, and variability of areas in human superior parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex 18:2141-2157).
See note # 6006
The Gyrus temporalis superior (Superior temporal gyrus; BA22) is not a homogeneous cortical area; it contains various cytoarchitectonically and functionally distinct cortical areas. Its Pars anterior (Anterior part or Belt area) forms the Secondary auditory cortex (BA42 or A2; see Morosan P, Rademacher J, Schleicher A, et al. 2001 Human primary auditory cortex: Cytoarchitecture, subdivisions and mapping into a spatial reference system. Neuroimage 13:684-701; Zilles and Amunts 2012). Its Pars posterior (Posterior part or Wernicke's area) is a loosely defined region which comprises the Posterior part of BA22 but also parts of the Inferior parietal lobule.
See note # 6019
The Dorsal part of the Gyrus temporalis superior contains three Sulci temporales transversi (Transverse temporal sulci): the Planum polare (Polar plane) is separated from the Transverse temporal gyri of Heschl by the Sulcus temporalis transversus anterior (Anterior transverse temporal sulcus), the Gyri temporales transversi (Transverse temporal gyri) are subdivided by the Sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius (Intermediate transverse temporal sulcus), and the Planum temporale (Temporal plane) is separated from the Posterior transverse temporal gyrus by the Sulcus temporalis transversus posterior (Posterior transverse temporal sulcus or Heschl's sulcus; see Duvernoy 1992).
See note # 6021
For the Inferomedial aspect of the Temporal lobe, usually the terms Gyrus temporalis inferior (T3), Gyrus fusiformis (T4) and Gyrus parahippocampalis (T5) are used, separated by the Occipitotemporal and the Collateral sulci.
See note # 9188
The following Gyri orbitales can be distinguished: 1) the Gyrus orbitalis medialis, the gyrus between the olfactory sulcus and the medial orbital sulcus; 2) the Gyrus orbitalis anterior, the cortex rostral to the transverse orbital sulcus; 3) the Gyrus orbitalis posterior, the cortex caudal to the transverse orbital sulcus; and 4) the Gyrus orbitalis lateralis, the gyrus lateral to the lateral orbital sulcus. The caudal parts of the medial and posterior orbital gyri merge to form the Lobulus orbitalis posteromedialis as described by Türe U, Yasargil DCH, Al-Mefti O, Yasargil MC (1999 Topographic anatomy of the insular region. J Neurosurg 90:720-733) and Naidich TP, Kang E, Fatterpekar GM, et al. (2004 The insula: Anatomic study and MR imaging display at 1.5T. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 25:222-232). Mai and Majtanik (2017 Human Brain in Standard MNI Space. Academic/Elsevier, San Diego) also described a Regio orbitalis posterolateralis.
Lateral to the Sulcus olfactorius, there are two longitudinally directed sulci, the Sulcus orbitalis medialis and the Sulcus orbitalis lateralis, which are joined together by the Sulcus orbitalis transversus to form the impression of an H or a K pattern (Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). The cingulate sulcus continues around the rostrum of the corpus callosum, where it is also known as the Sulcus rostralis superior. This sulcus may continue as the Sulcus rostralis inferior, which separates the straight gyrus from the medial surface of the frontal lobe.
The Gyrus cingularis (Cingulate gyrus) can at least be divided into an Anterior, a Posterior and a Retrosplenial part. Vogt BA, Palomero-Gallagher N (2012 Cingulate cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 943-987) added a Midcingulate cortex.
See note # 8762
The Uncus is treated in various ways: 1) as the rostral part of the Parahippocampal gyrus; 2) as a structure on its own. TNA suggests the latter. Insausti R and Amaral DG (2012 Hippocampal formation. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 896-942) advocated to restrict the term Uncus to the Gyrus uncinatus, the Band or limbus of Giacomini and the Gyrus intralimbicus (or Uncal apex). The Sulcus semianularis (Semi-anular sulcus) separates the Ambient and Semilunar sulci (see Duvernoy HM 1992, 1998 The Human Hippocampus, 2nd ed. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York). The Gyrus uncinatus is the most rostral part of Uncal bulge, according to Insausti and Amaral (2012) and part of field CA1. The Limbus fasciae dentatae (Band of dentate gyrus) is the Middle part of the Uncus, first described by Giacomini CH (1884 Fascia dentata du grand hippocampe dans le cerveau de l'homme. Arch Ital Biol 5:1-16, 205-209, 396-417) and part of the Dentate gyrus. The Gyrus intralimbicus (Intralimbic gyrus or Uncal apex) is the most caudal part of the Uncal bulge and part of field CA3.
The Archicortex includes the Hippocampus (Ammon's horn, Dentate gyrus and Subiculum), Presubiculum, Parasubiculum, Entorhinal cortex, Retrosplenial cortex and a cortical band in the Cingulate gyrus (Stephan 1975; Zilles K, Amunts K 2012 Architecture of the cerebral cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 836-895).
The Paleocortex includes the Olfactory bulb, Retrobulbar region ('Anterior olfactory nucleus'), Olfactory tubercle, Septal and Piriform (BA51) regions and a minor part of the Amygdala (Stephan 1975; Zilles and Amunts 2012).
The Allocortex includes the Paleocortex and the Archicortex (Filimonoff IN 1947 A rational subdivision of the cerebral cortex. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 58:296-311; Stephan H 1975 Allocortex. In: Bargmann W (ed) Handbuch der mikroskopischen Anatomie des Menschen, Vol 4: Nervensystem, Band 9. Springer).
The Mesocortex (Rose M 1927 Der Allocortex bei Tier und Mensch. I. Teil. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 34:1-11) comprises the Proisocortex, a transition area between the Isocortex and the Allocortex, and the Periallocortex, the adjoining part of the Allocortex (Filimonoff 1947); also known as Paralimbic cortex (Mesulam 1985). The Periallocortex can further be subdivided into the Peripaleocortex (Claustrum) and the Periarchicortex (Entorhinal, Presubicular and Retrosplenial cortices and part of the Cingulate gyrus; Filimonoff 1947; Zilles and Amunts 2012).
Under this Heading the structures presented in TA as Substantia basalis, Substantia innominata and Area septalis are grouped. Reichert's 'Substantia innominata' was for a long time a 'terra incognita' of the Basal forebrain. The extensive studies by Heimer and colleagues (Heimer L, Harlan RE, Alheid GF, et al. 1997 Substantia innominata: A notion which impedes clinico-anatomical correlations in neuropsychiatric disorders. Neuroscience 76:957-1006; Heimer et al. 1999; Sakamoto et al. 1999) make the term SI more or less superfluous.
The Nuclei of the Corpus amygdaloideum (Amygdaloid body) are replaced into groups following de Olmos JS (2004 Amygdala. In Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 739-868) and Mai JK, Paxinos G, Voss T (2008 Atlas of the Human Brain, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam).
See note # 8686
The Nucleus striae terminalis (Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis) can be subdivided into various subnuclei, the best known are the Lateral and Medial divisions (see Heimer L, de Olmos J, Alheid GF, et al. 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 1. Handb Chem Neuroanatomy 15:57-226; Sakamoto N, Pearson J, Shinoda K, Alheid GF 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 1. Handb Chem Neuroanat 15:1-55).
Traditionally, the Claustrum is divided into a Dorsal (Insular) claustrum, connected with the Isocortex, and a Ventral (Piriform) claustrum or Endopiriform nucleus, connected with the Allocortex (see Druga R 2014 The structure and connections of the claustrum. In: Smythies JR, Edelstein LR, Ramachandran VS, eds: The Claustrum, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 29-84).
The Subpallium develops from four Developmental domains (see Puelles L, Harrison M, Paxinos G, Watson C 2013 A developmental ontology for the mammalian brain based on the prosomeric model. Trends Neurosci 36:570-578). Traditionally, the Preoptic area is discussed together with the Hypothalamus. The Amygdala arises from all four Subpallial domains as well as from the Pallium ventrale.
The Pars retrolentiformis of the Internal capsule should be treated as a separate component, not as part of the Posterior limb; Crus retrolentiforme suggested as synonym. The Pars sublentiformis also forms a separate component of the Internal capsule; Crus sublentiforme suggested as synonym.
See note # 6254
The Capsula extrema (Extreme capsule) forms one of the Long association systems involved in language processing (see Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
Although in the Fasciculus arcuatus (Arcuate fasciculus) three segments (anterior, long and posterior) were distinguished (Cayani M, Jones DK, ffytche DH 2005 Perisylvian language pathways. Ann Neurol 57:8-16), more recent research showed that the anterior segment belongs to the superior longitudinal fasciculus and the posterior segment is in reality separate and was renamed Fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis (temporoparietal vertical or aslant tract), leaving the long segment as the true arcuate fasciculus (Fernandez-Miranda JC, Wang Y, Pathak S, et al. 2015 Asymmetry, connectivity, and segmentation of the arcuate fascicle in the human brain. Brain Struct Funct 220:3665-3680)
The Fasciculus longitudinalis superior (Superior longitudinal fasciculus) appears to be composed of three bundles (SLFI-III or Superior, Middle and Inferior; Makris N, Kennedy DN, McInerney S, et al. 2005 Segmentation of subcomponents within the superior longitudinal fascicle in humans: A quantitative, in vivo, DT-MRI study. Cereb Cortex 15:854-869) as in monkeys (Schmahmann JD, Pandya DN 2006 Fiber Pathways of the Brain. Oxford University Press, New York; Thiebaut de Schotten M, Dell'Acqua F, Valabreque R, Catani M 2012 Monkey to human comparative anatomy of the frontal lobe association tracts. Cortex 48:82-96).
Here, the new nomenclature for the long association fibres of the cerebrum is advocated as proposed by Mandonnet E, Sarubbo S, Petit L (2018 The nomenclature of human white matter association pathways: Proposal for a systematic taxonomic anatomical classification. Front Neuroanat 12:94).
The Fibrae U-figuratae (U-shaped fibres) were first described by Meynert (1872), and replaced the term Fibrae arcuatae cerebri (Arnold 1838) that became obsolete.
Recently, the Fasciculus temporoparietalis verticalis (Temporoparietal aslant tract) was demonstrated, replacing the vertical segment of the arcuate fasciculus (Panesar SS, Belo JT, Yeh F-C, Fernandez-Miranda JC 2019 Structure, asymmetry, and connectivity of the human temporo-parietal asland and vertical occipital fasciculi. Brain Struct Funct 224:907-923; see also 6273).
(Commissura hippocampi): The old term Psalterium has been added; much in use by clinicians; for a study on the cells of origin of commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation, see Amaral DG, Insausti R, Cowan WM (1984) The commissural connections of the monkey hippocampal formation. J Comp Neurol 224:307-336.
The Tractus vestibulomesencephalici include (Büttner-Ennever JA, Gerrits NM 2004 Vestibular system. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds. The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1213-1240): the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus medialis, containing fibres from Vestibular nuclei to Oculomotor nuclei, passing via the MLF; the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus lateralis, with fibres from the Lateral vestibular nucleus to Oculomotor nuclei, passing just lateral to the MLF (eponym: Ascending tract of Deiters; the Tractus vestibulomesencephalicus ventralis, with fibres from the Y group and the Superior vestibular nucleus crossing in the Ventral tegmentum either within or below the Brachium conjunctivum.
New term, described by Horn, AKE, Büttner-Ennever, JA (1998 Premotor neurons for vertical eye-movements in the rostral mesencephalon of monkey and man: The histological identification by parvalbumin immunostaining. J Comp Neurol 392:413-427) as a premotor nucleus for vertical eye movements.
See note # 8641
The use of 'stellatum' for the Golgi cells is unfortunate, given the presence of other Stellate cells in the Molecular layer. As Latin term Neuron golgiense and as English term Golgi cell were accepted at the FIPAT Meeting in Istanbul, 2015.
See note # 8248
See note # 5224
(Tractus trigeminothalamici): The Tractus trigeminothalamicus anterior arises in the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Medial lemniscus, whereas the Tractus trigeminothalamicus lateralis arises in the Caudal part of the Spinal trigeminal nucleus and joins the Anterolateral tract.
(Tractus vestibulothalamicus): In monkeys, Vestibulothalamic projections pass via both the FLM and the Ascending tract of Deiters (Lang W, Büttner-Ennever JA, Büttner U 1979 Vestibular projections to the monkey thalamus: An autoradiographic study. Brain Res 177:3-17). Zwergal et al. (2008) demonstrated a Vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the Medial lemniscus in humans (Zwergal A, Büttner-Ennever JA, Brandt T, Strupp M 2008 An ipsilateral vestibulothalamic tract adjacent to the medial lemniscus in humans. Brain 131:2928-2935).
See note # 8426
The Via endofolialis (Endfolial pathway) is composed of Hilar Schaffer collaterals from CA3h (see Lim C, Mufson EJ, Kordower JH, et al. 1997 Connections of the hippocampal formation in humans. II. The endfolial pathway. J Comp Neurol 385:352-371).
The two 'Olfactory gyri' in TA suggested their presence as clearly identifiable structures; this is not true. These terms remained from the classic description of the Rhinencephalon (see Gastaut H, Lammers HJ 1961 Anatomie du rhinencéphale. Masson, Paris) and have been deleted. The Cortex piriformis or Cortex olfactorius primarius is the real Olfactory cortex, and can be divided into Frontal and Temporal parts (Allison AC 1954 The secondary olfactory areas in the human brain. J Anat (Lond) 88:481-488; Heimer L, de Olmos J, Alheid GF, et al. 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 2. Handb Chem Neuroanat 15:57-226).
The basal parts of the prosomeres P1-P3 form several nuclei, previously included in the Mesencephalon (see General footnote). The rostral parts of the Substantia nigra/VTA-complex also derive from P1-P3. The term Tegmentum prerubrale is preferred as topographic term over Tegmentum diencephali.
The Nucleus preopticus ventrolateralis is a recently discovered Preoptic nucleus, a sleep-promoting nucleus (Saper CB, Chou TC, Scammell TE 2001 The sleep switch: Hypothalamic control of sleep and wakefulness. Trends Neurosci 24:726-731).
The Nucleus ventromedialis posterior (Ventromedial posterior nucleus; VMpo) is a newly discovered nucleus involved in pain perception as part of the Ventromedial nucleus (Blomqvist A, Zhang ET, Craig AD 2000 Cytoarchitectonic and immunohistochemical characterization of a specific pain and tempearature relay, the posterior portion of the ventral medial nucleus, in the human thalamus. Brain 123:601-619).
Replaced from Mesencephalon; for the subdivision of this nucleus, Principal and Magnocellular parts are adopted, following Olszewski and Baxter3. The Ventral division is renamed as Nucleus ellipticus (coming from Cetacea and Proboscidea) or Nucleus of Darkschewitsch, not part of the Nucleus of the posterior commissure.
The Sulcus frontomarginalis (Frontomarginal sulcus of Wernicke) is an important landmark in the frontal polar region (Duvernoy HM 1992 Le cerveau humain. Springer, Paris; Tamraz JC, Comair YG 2006 Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York), and used as such in the DTI literature (Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
The various Motor areas of the Frontal lobe are known as F1-F7 in monkey brains (see Geyer G, Luppino L, Rozzi G 2012 Motor cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1012-1035): F1 is the Primary motor cortex, F2 the Caudal part of the Cortex premotorius dorsalis, F3, the the Caudal part of the Cortex premotorius medialis (SMA proper), F4 the Caudal part of the Cortex premotorius ventralis, F5 the Rostral part of the Cortex premotorius ventralis, F6 the Rostral part of the Cortex premotorius medialis (Pre-SMA), and F7 the Rostral part of the Cortex premotorius dorsalis.
See note # 8663
See note # 8663
Usually, the Sulcus centralis does not reach the Sulcus lateralis and is separated from it by a short gyrus, the Gyrus subcentralis, which is formed by the 'fusion' of the Precentral and Postcentral gyri in their ventralmost parts. The Subcentral gyrus is delimited in front and behind by the Anterior and Posterior subcentral sulci (Dejerine 1895; Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). Also known as: Central or Rolandic operculum, and Inferior frontoparietal 'pli de passage'.
See note # 8666
See note # 8666
See note # 8663
See note # 8663
See note # 6052
See note # 6052
See note # 6052
See note # 6052
See note # 6053
See note # 6053
See note # 6053
The term Nucleus olfactorius anterior of TA is mostly cortical and is replaced by the more appropriate term Regio retrobulbaris (see Zilles and Amunts 2012). The two- or three-layered structure recognizable in lower primates is hardly visible in the human brain.
See note # 6019
See note # 6019
The Cortex ectorhinalis (BA36) is often included as part of the Perirhinal cortex (Ding S-L, Van Hoesen GW 2010 Borders, extent, and topography of human perirhinal cortex as revealed using multiple modern neuroanatomical and pathological markers. Hum Brain Mapp 31:1359-1379) but lies on the other side of the Collateral sulcus.
The Cortex perirhinalis (Perirhinal cortex) is also not included in TA; for description, see Augustinack JC, Huber KE, Stevens AA, et al. (2013 Predicting the location of human perirhinal cortex, Brodmann's area 35, from MRI. Neuroimage 64:32-42).
Field CA4 appears to correspond most closely to the polymorph zone of the Dentate gyrus, and, therefore, is not a field of the Hippocampus at all. Amaral and Insausti (Amaral DG, Insausti R 1990 Hippocampal formation. In: Paxinos G, ed: The Human Nervous System. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 711-755) suggested the term 'CA3h' for the pyramidal cells within the hilus ('h'), continuous with CA3.
See note # 6071
See note # 6071
See note # 6071
See note # 6071
See note # 6071
In the French literature, for the Inner ring of the Limbic lobe the term Gyrus intralimbicus is used. In the German literature, however, this term is used for the Uncal apex.
The Cortex entorhinalis (Entorhinal cortex) is not included in TA; for description, see Braak H, Braak E (1992 The human entorhinal cortex: Normal morphology and lamina-specific pathology in various diseases. Neurosci Res 15:6-31. The Substantia reticularis alba (White reticular substance of Arnold) is the white matter surrounding the darker patches of Layer 2 cell islands. The Verrucae hippocampi (Hippocampal warts) are located above these cell islands and described by Retzius G (1896 Das Menschenhirn: Studien in der makroskopischen Morphologie. Norstedt, Stockholm) and Klingler J (1948 Die makroskopische Anatomie der Ammonsformation. Denkschr Schweiz Naturforsch Ges, Vol 78, Fretz, Zürich). They mark the surface of the Entorhinal cortex.
See note # 8740
The Sulcus intrarhinalis (Intrarhinal sulcus) is found between the Ambient gyrus and the Entorhinal cortex (see Duvernoy 1992; Insausti and Amaral 2012).
See note # 8762
The Dentes subiculi (Gyri of Andreas Retzius) were described by Retzius (1896) for the Caudal part of CA1 at the Hippocampal tail; the term Gyri subspleniales (Subsplenial gyri) indicate their position. Deep to the Gyri andreae retzii, two obliquely oriented small gyri are found (Duvernoy 1998; Insausti and Amaral 2012): 1) a medial gyrus: the Fasciola cinerea, which forms the visible part of the Dentate gyrus as descibed by Giacomini (1884) and Klingler (1948); and 2) a lateral gyrus: Gyrus fasciolaris (Fasciolar gyrus), corresponding to the caudal end of the CA3 field.
The Cortex perirhinalis (Perirhinal cortex; BA35) and the Transentorhinal subregion of Braak and Braak (1992) are somewhat synonymous terms (Augustinack JC, Huber KE, Stevens AA, et al. 2013 Predicting the location of human perirhinal cortex, Brodmann's area 35, from MRI. Neuroimage 64:32-42). In other studies (Ding S-L, Van Hoesen GW 2010 Borders, extent, and topography of human perirhinal cortex as revealed using multiple modern neuroanatomical and pathological markers. Hum Brain Mapp 31:1359-1379), BA 36 is included within the Perirhinal cortex. This is unfortunate since BA35 is periarchicortex but BA36 (Ectorhinal cortex) is truly isocortex. The Layers of BA35 are comparable to those of the adjacent Entorhinal cortex.
See note # 5996
The Sulcus intermedius primus (First intermediate sulcus of Jensen) may subdivide the Lobulus parietalis inferior into the Gyrus supramarginalis and the Gyrus angularis (Duvernoy 1992; Tamraz and Comair 2006). The Sulcus intermedius secundus (Second intermediate sulcus of Eberstaller) is found posterior to Jensen's sulcus.
See note # 8781
See note # 5972
The large cholinergic neurons of the Striatum were originally described as Giant interneurons by Kölliker. Three types of GABAergic striatal interneurons can be distinguished, based on size and the colocalization of Parvalbumin, Somatostatin/NPY and Calretinin (Bolam 2010; Haber et al. 2012).
See note # 5972
Mainly GABAergic interneurons (see Markram H, Toledo-Rodriguez M, Wang Y, et al. 2004 Interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory system. Nat Rev Neurosci 5:793-807; Ascoli GA et al. 2008 Petilla terminology: Nomenclature of features of GABAergic interneurons of the cerebral cortex. Nat Rev Neurosci 9:557-568; DeFelipe J et al. 2013 New insights into the classification and nomenclature of cortical GABAergic interneurons. Nat Rev Neurosci 14:202-216); the current subdivision is based on preferred postsynaptic region.
See note # 5972
See note # 5972
Functional subdivision of the Isocortex as described by Mesulam M-M (1985 Patterns in behavioral neuroanatomy. In: Mesulam M-M, ed: Principles of Behavioral Neurology. Davis, Philadelphia, PN, pp 1-70). The Granular isocortex ranges from Hypergranular through Granular to Dysgranular.
Not in TA, and added. Not distinguished by Larsell O, Jansen J (1972 The Comparative Anatomy and Histology of the Cerebellum. The human cerebellum, cerebellar connections, and cerebellar cortex. University of Minneapolis, MN) and Schmahmann et al. (1999 Neuroimage 10:233-260), but by Voogd J, Ruigrok TJH (2012 Cerebellum and precerebellar nuclei. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 471-545). First described as 'Zungenband' by Stilling (1864) and as Vinculum linguae by Henle (1879).
The Subdivision of the Hypothalamic nuclei is rearranged into three Hypothalamic areas: Anterior (Chiasmatic), Middle (Tuberal) and Posterior (Mamillary). The Dorsal hypothalamic area forms part of the Lateral hypothalamic area. The LHA is incorporated into the three Hypothalamic areas.
The Lobulus parietalis superior may be divided into an anterior and a posterior portion by the Sulcus parietalis transversus (Transverse parietal sulcus of Brissaud), originating on the medial side and extending to the lateral side of the hemisphere (see Tamraz and Comair 2006).
Here, the Isocortical neurons are added, in part following and modifying TH terms. They are subdivided into Pyramidal neurons (Projection, Commissural nand Association eurons) and Excitatory and Inhibitory interneurons. In general, Small pyramidal neurons are found in Layer II and give rise to ipsilateral Corticocortical projections. Medium-sized pyramidal neurons are found in Layer III and give rise to Commissural projections. The Large pyramidal neurons in Layer V give rise to the Corticofugal projections (Mountcastle VB 1998 The Cerebral Cortex. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA).
The Pallium laterale gives rise to the Claustro-insular complex (see Puelles L 2014 Development and evolution of the claustrum. In: Smythies JR, Edelstein LR, Ramachandran VS, eds: The Claustrum, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 119-176).
The Insula is composed of three Belt regions (see Mesulam M-M and Mufson EJ (1985 The insula of Reil in man and monkey. Architectonics, connectivity and function. In: Peters A, Jones EG, eds, Cerebral Cortex, Vol 4, Plenum Press, New York, pp 179-226): 1) The Cortex insularis agranularis (Agranular insular cortex, where Layers II and IV are lacking) in the Anterior insula is characterized by a Superficial pyramidal layer and an Inner cell layer, continuous with the Pyramidal layer of the Piriform cortex. Here, the recently rediscovered von Economo neurons (VENs) are found (see Allman JM, Tetreault NA, Hakeem AY, et al. 2011 The von Economo neurons in fronto-insular and anterior cingulate cortex. Ann NY Acad Sci 1225:59-71). 2) The Cortex insularis dysgranularis (Dysgranular insular cortex), a Proisocortical region characterized by the presence of an inconspicuous Inner granular layer IV. Layers V and VI are also not as clearly separated from each other as in true isocortex. 3) The Cortex insularis granularis (Granular insular cortex), a posterior granular region with clearly visible Inner (layer IV) and Outer (layer II) granular layers (True isocortex; see also Zilles and Amunts 2012).
See note # 5738
See note # 9188
See note # 9188
The classic Golgi studies by Cajal (Ramón y Cajal S 1909-1911 Histologie du système nerveux de l'homme et des vertébrés. Maloine, Paris) and Lorente de Nó R (1934 Studies on the structure of the cerebral cortex. II. Continuation of the study of the ammonic system. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 46:113-177) showed the presence of some 20 different types of interneurons in the Hippocampus. Most of them have been immunohistochemically defined (see Freund TF, Buzsaki G 1996 Interneurons of the hippocampus. Hippocampus 6:347-470; Somogyi P 2010 Hippocampus: Intrinsic organization. In: Shepherd GM, Grillner S, eds: Handbook of Brain Microcircuitry. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 148-164). Some 28 types of GABAergic interneurons can be distinguished (Somogyi 2010), basically: Basket neurons, Bistratified neurons, and Chandelier neurons.
There are many types of Short-axon cells described by among others Blanes, Cajal (Vertical cell), Golgi and Van Gehuchten (Mori K 1987) Membrane and synaptic properties of identified neurons in the olfactory bulb. Prog Neurobiol 29:275-430; Shepherd GM, Chen WR, Greer CA 2004 Olfactory bulb. In: Shepherd GM, ed: The Synaptic Organization of the Brain, 5th ed. Oxford Uniersity Press, New York, pp 165-216). As in TH, these cells are not included.
In the Cortex entorhinalis (Entorhinal cortex), Insausti et al. (Insausti R, Tuñón T, Sobreviela T, et al. 1995 The human entorhinal cortex: A cytoarchitectonic analysis. J Comp Neurol 355:171-198) distinguished 8 subfields (EO, ER, ELR, EMI, EI, ELC, EC and ECL). For the layers of the Entorhinal cortex, the subdivision by Insausti and Amaral (2012) into six Laminae is advocated. To avoid confusion with isocortical layers, here, arabic numerals are used as in the literature. TH Latin and English terms (H4.8.03.104/114) are added. For Layers 2 and 3, the general term External principal layer is advocated, for Layer 5 Internal principal layer, following Braak H, Braak E (1992 The human entorhinal cortex: Normal morphology and lamina-specific pathology in various diseases. Neurosci Res 15:6-31). Layer 2 is made up of islands of relatively large and darkly stained modified pyramidal and stellate cells (Braak and Braak 1992: Pre-a). Layer 3 corresponds to layers Pre-ß and Pre-? of Braak and Braak (1992). The layers Pre-a, Pre-ß and Pre-? form their External principal layer. Layer 5 corresponds to the Internal principal layer with sublayers Pri-a, Pri-ß and Pri-? of Braak and Braak (1992).
The complex Cortex retrosplenialis (Retrosplenial cortex) consists of Periarchicortical (BA26) and Proisocortical (BA29, 30) areas (Braak H 1980 Architectonics of the Human Telencephalic Cortex. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York; Zilles and Amunts 2012). The TH nomenclature (H4.8.03.122/129) seems to combine these different structures. The Cortex ectosplenialis (Ectosplenial cortex; BA26) has a primitive three-laminar pattern with Molecular, Densocellular and Multiform layers. The Cortex retrosplenialis granularis (Granular retrosplenial cortex; BA29) shows a four-layered structure: Molecular, External and Internal pyramidal and Multiform layers. The Cortex retrosplenialis dysgranularis (Dysgranular retrosplenial cortex; BA 30) shows a further progression of laminar differentiation with an additional (Internal) granular layer.
For further subdivision of the Cortex cingularis (Cingulate cortex) with Layers, see Vogt BA, Palomero-Gallager N (2012) Cingulate cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 934-987.
This term, introduced in 1684 by Vieussens as 'Centrum ovale' to indicate the oval shape of the Cerebral white matter, continuous with the Internal capsule, was later changed into Centrum semiovale by Flatau E (1894 Atlas des menschlichen Gehirns und des Faserverlaufes. Karger, Berlin) and others. In the clinical literature, this term is common usage. It was included by His and colleagues in the BNA.
The Pedunculus temporalis (Temporal peduncle) forms the connection between the temporal and frontal lobes and contains: (1) the Fasciculus occipitofrontalis inferior (Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus); and (2) the Fasciculus uncinatus cerebri (Uncinate fasciculus).
The Fasciculus subcallosus (Subcallosal fasciculus or Bundle of Muratoff; Muratoff W 1893 Secundäre Degenerationen nach Durchschneidung des Balkens. Neurol Centralbl 12:714-729) forms a separate bundle of Corticostriatal fibres (see Schmahmann JD, Pandya DN 2007 The complex history of the fronto-occipital fasciculus. J Hist Med 16:362-377).
The Fasciculus frontalis obliquus (Frontal aslant tract or Frontal oblique tract) connects the SMA and pre-SMA with the opercular part of the Inferior frontal gyrus (Catani M, Dell'Acqua F, Vergani F, et al. 2012 Short frontal lobe connections of the human brain. Cortex 48:273-291).
De Olmos (de Olmos J 1990 Amygdala. In: Paxinos G, ed: The Human Nervous System. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 583-710) introduced the term 'Olfactory amygdala' for the 'Superficial cortex-like amygdaloid region' (Yilmazer-Hanke DM 2012 Amygdala. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 759-834).
The Striatum and Putamen consist of AChE-poor Striosomes within an AChE-rich matrix (Graybiel AM, Ragsdale CW Jr 1978 Histochemically distinct compartments in the striatum of human, monkey and cat demonstrated by acetylthiocholinesterase staining. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 75:5723-5726; Graybiel AM 1990 Neurotransmitters and modulators in the basal ganglia. Trends Neurosci 13:244-254).
The term Fundus striati points to the ventral parts of the Caudate nucleus and Putamen, that with the Nucleus accumbens and the Olfactory tubercle form the Ventral Striatum.
For Golgi studies see Braak H, Braak E (1982 Neuronal types in the striatum of man. Cell Tissue Res 227:319-342), and Graveland GA, Williams RS, DiFiglia M (1985 A Golgi study of the human neostriatum: Neurons and afferent fibers. J Comp Neurol 234:317-333); for immunohistochemical and physiological data see Bolam JP (2010 Microcircuits of the striatum. In: Shepherd GM, Grillner S, eds: Handbook of Brain Microcircuits. Oxford University Press, New York, pp 109-119) and Haber SN, Adler A, Bergman H (2012 The basal ganglia. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 678-838).
In the Regio periamygdaloidea (Periamygdaloid region) according to Brockhaus H (1940 Zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie des Mandelkerngebietes. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 49:1-136) and Stephan (1975) only two layers can be distinguished.
Frequently, a series of furrows delineates the Sulcus paracinguli (Paracingulate sulcus), which separates the medial division of the superior frontal gyrus from the Gyrus paracinguli (Paracingulate gyrus).
See note # 12158
See note # 6052
See note # 6052
See note # 6053
See note # 6053
TH subdivision into six layers (H4.8.03.115/121) suggested a well-divided structure. Insausti and Amaral (2012) emphasized that the laminar organization of the Presubiculum is complex and only poorly understood. They described a single, superficially located cellular layer made up of External and Internal principal layers. Their subdivision is followed here.
Type of list P2F
List Unit Identifier 5257
Sublist 1 5261 mesencephalon 352/161 on 8.4.2019
Sublist 2 5263 diencephalon 404/181 on 30.12.2021
Error in sublist Found children 405 Found units 182
Sublist 3 5264 telencephalon 1772/699 on 13.12.2020
Sublist 4 5431 pons 40/23 on 11.6.2019
Sublist 5 5686 cerebellum 332/161 on 15.4.2019
Sublist 6 5779 hypothalamus 150/71 on 26.3.2019
Sublist 7 11865 rhombencephalon rostrale 348/161 on 30.11.2020
Error in sublist Found children 351 Found units 162
Sublist 8 11874 rhombencephalon caudale 524/225 on 30.12.2021
Error in sublist Found children 507 Found units 208
Subtotals subchildren 3922 subunits 1682
Proper children 11
Invalid number of children Found children: 3921
Check Sublist children: 3922
Proper units 4
Invalid number of units Found units: 1686
Check Found units: 1682
Invalid signature 19268 ( 30.12.2021)
Date: 18.08.2024